Chapter 38- Baby Momma

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Andy's Point of View

Heart racing I pull into the hospital lot and barely throw the car into park before running inside the emergency room. All eyes are on me as I rush the desk and gasp.

"Sierra Pann - she was just brought here - she's my girlfriend - is the baby okay?!"

"Okay sir, take a deep breath while I get her information." The receptionist types on her computer and I try to compose myself.

"She's on the third floor in the maternity ward. Room 326."

I nod my thanks and run to the elevator, pressing number 3. When I get out I can hear the sounds of babies crying. I swallow the lump in my throat and head to room 326. When I get to the door, I pause with my hand on the knob. Please let them be okay.

I push the door open and freeze in the doorway. Sierra lays in the middle of a hospital bed, hooked up to multiple machines, tubes running into her arms.

"Andy..." She whispers and smiles at me tiredly.

I rush to her side and take her hand, holding it gently. "How are you?"

"I'm tired. I passed out while posing on a table and fell off. I've got a few bruises on my back but nothing too serious."

"And..." I glance to her stomach. "What about the baby?"

"We aren't sure yet. They want to keep me a little longer to run some tests and make sure the baby's okay. It's often that early in pregnancy some women miscarriage, but I'm at a higher risk since I fell and passed out."

I shut my eyes and press my forehead to Sierra's, tangling my hand in her brown curls. She scoots over in her bed and I slip in next to her, carefully cradling her body against my own. We lay down together and then I feel my phone vibrate. I take it out of my pocket to see several missed calls and text messages.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Andy!" Ashley exclaims. "What the fuck happened?"

"Sierra had an accident at work. We're at the hospital right now."

"Oh my God. What room?"


"We're on our way."

He hangs up.

"The guys are on their way," I say.

Sierra nods and leans back in bed. I place my hand on her stomach and hope to anything I can think of that the baby is okay.

A few minutes later there's a knock at the door. Sierra and I sit up as a doctor walks in.

"I'm Dr. Patrick," he says. "I've got the results of your tests back and I'm just here to make sure everything is alright."

Sierra nods.

"You must be....." The doctor reaches his hand toward me. 

"I'm Andy Biersack, her boyfriend." I say shaking his hand.

"Can I have you hop down for a second? I just want to make sure everything is in place."

I oblige and move off the bed. Dr. Patrick moves to Sierra.

"Can I have to lift your shirt up to your ribs?" He asks.

Sierra reaches down and pulls her shirt up, revealing her tiny belly.

"Now I'm just going to press lightly on your stomach to make sure the baby is in the right position and we'll do a sonogram."

Sierra nods and he puts his hands on her stomach and presses lightly. He does this for about a minute, his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Okay, I'm fairly certain the baby's head is here," the Dr. points to a spot by her bellybutton. "Now we're going to do a quick sonogram."

I watch him put that gel on her belly and then he moves the little wand around. We stare at the screen and hear silence.

My stomach twists on itself and Sierra's tear filled eyes meet mine. I reach out and hold her hand tightly.

I can't believe it. We've only known about this baby for a day and we've already lost it. My eyes fill with tears and I press my lips to Sierra's forehead.

"Hang on...." the Dr. mutters. "There we go."

He moves his hand and the sound of a heartbeat fills the room.

Sierra gasps, pressing her hand to her mouth. Oh my God. The baby's okay! It's still alive!

I smile and a few tears roll down my cheek.

"Do you want to know the gender?" Dr. Patrick asks.

"You can tell?" Sierra asks. "I thought it was still too early."

"It normally is, but the way the baby is positioned it's very clear. Do you want to know."

"YES." We say in unison.

"You are having......a boy!"

A boy....I'm gonna have a son. I'm having a son!

The doctor prints out a picture, cleans Sierra's stomach and says they'll be in to check her later. Once he leaves I climb back into bed with Sierra.

"We're having a son Andy." My girlfriend whispers.

I nod, smiling. "I know.....What are we gonna name him?"

"Hmmmm..." Sierra thinks a moment. "I don't know. I like Kierran. Or...."


"That's nice," Sierra murmurs. She yawns and leans her head on my chest. I run my fingers through her hair and smile to myself as she sleeps.

I'm so glad she and my son are okay. My son. It sounds weird to say that. Weird, but normal somehow.

A moment later the door to the room opens. I look up, expecting to see a doctor, but instead see Ashley's head poking in.

"Can we come in?"

I nod my head. "Quietly. She's sleeping."

He nods and leads the rest of the guys in.

"How is she?" Jake asks.

"She's good. Tired and a little banged up but she'll be fine."

"That's good." CC says. "Hey....what's this?"

I look over to see he's picked up the sonogram picture.

"Its a sonogram picture." Jinxx moves over to look at it. "Oh my God.....Is Sierra pregnant?"

They all freeze and look at me.

I try to hide my joy, but my smile is too big to conceal. "Yup. My beautiful girlfriend and I are having a baby. A boy."

CC gasps. "I'M GONNA BE AN UNCLE!" He shouts.

"Shhhhhh!!" We all whisper yell at him. He blushes and repeats it softly.

"How far along?" Ash asks.

"Almost five months."

"And you're just now telling us?" He exclaims.

"We only found out yesterday." I say.

"Damn boy." Ashley shakes his head. "And after all the condoms I gave you guys. You still manage to knock her up."

We chuckle quietly. "Hey, this is on the DL. Don't tell anyone."

They all nod.

"You know this means that giving you guys condoms is pointless now."

Author's note:

Hi guys, Im sorry that this took so long. So many things have been going on that have made life really difficult and all I can do is apologize. I won't try to explain because it will just upset me more.
I love you guys!

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