Chapter Thirty Five- Uhm What??!

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Sierra's Point of View

"You are......PREGNANT!!" The nurse exclaims.

I stop breathing and my jaw drops.





Uhm. WHAT??!

"I'm sorry." Andy says. "What?"

"Sierra is pregnant. About four months along judging by her blood work." The nurse says. "So we'll need to get you some prenatals, a sonogram, and set up some regular appointments with your doctor."

"F-four months???" I ask.

"Yes. Luckily your early enough that your smoking and drinking habits most likely won't affect the baby. And to be safe, you'll have to quit all of that immediately. Can I have you lay down and raise your shirt?"

I lay down on the table and pull my shirt up and notice that my stomach is a little pudgy. Oh my God.

She squirts some cold gel onto my stomach and then moves the wand around. Suddenly the sound of a heartbeat fills the silence in the room. I dare a glance over to Andy and see that he's sitting in the same spot, staring at the ground, mouth gaping. He jumps at the sound of the heartbeat and then looks up toward me a smile spreading across his face. "Okay." The nurse says. "There is your baby."

Andy and I look toward the screen and see a little black and white blob. She moves the wand around and I gasp when I see the baby's head and body.

"Holy fuck..." Andy mutters, smiling at the screen.

The nurse prints out a picture and then gives me a tissue to wipe the gel off.

"Here is a prescription for prenatals, and here is your next appointment. Take care!"

She leaves the room but Andy and I sit there.

"So...." I say.

Andy wraps his arms around me and picks me up off the table, spinning me around the room. "We're gonna have a baby! An actual living baby with squishy cheeks, and chubby legs, and Oh my God a baby!" He shouts.

"You're happy?" I ask and he sets me down.

"Of course!" He cups my face with his hands. "I mean, it's not an ideal time but there's nothing to do but be happy and I am. I love you Sierra and I want to have this baby with you."

Tears prick my eyes and I kiss this wonderful man infront of me. The father of my child.

We skip out of the hospital, holding hands giddily, and hurry home to tell Andy's parents.

Andy's Point of View

"So." My mom says. "Did they figure out what was wrong?"

Sierra glances toward me and I see the anxiety in her eyes. I reach down and clasp her hand in mine before turning forward to face my parents.

"I wouldn't say 'wrong' exactly..." I say.

"Well?" Dad asks, leaning forward from his chair.

"Sierra is..." I pause and smile at my gorgeous girlfriend. "...pregnant."

My mom screams and jumps up from her chair. "I'm gonna be a grandmother!" She prances forward and kisses my cheek before hugging Sierra and kissing her cheek too.

My dad calmly walks up to us and hugs us both, smiling widely. "Congratulations son."

I smile and hold Sierra close to me, my hands resting on her stomach.

That night as we get ready for bed I watch Sierra pull on a tshirt and shorts while stroking Lux's fur. (Normally Sierra sleeps in underwear or nothing but since my parents are here we're both being a little more aware of ourselves such as: wearing clothes while walking around the house, not making out while getting food out of the fridge, not teasing each other crudely. It's really quite a hassle.)

I lay back on our bed and adjust my pajama pants. How do people fucking wear these on a normal basis? They're uncomfortable as shit.

Sierra crawls onto bed and then rolls onto her back and stares at her stomach.

"There's a baby in my body Andy...." she whispers. "An actual baby."

Sierra's Point of View

Andy smiles and soots closer to me. "Yup."

Then he pulls up my shirt and kisses my stomach, right above my belly ring. "Hi baby. We haven't met yet but I'm your daddy." He says in a soft voice.

I melt. If him cooing at Crow and Lux was cute then this is absolute mush.

"I can't wait to meet you but you should probably say inside your mommy for a little longer. We already love you so much baby."

My smile is wobbly with tears. "Fucking hormones." I mutter.

Andy smiles at me and then kisses me good night.

We fall asleep cuddling our baby.


so Sierra's preggo!!!!! OMG who saw that coming? Well hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment, vote and follow me and I'll send you pizza and feels.

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