Chapter Eighteen- Surprise Andy

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Author's Note:

Hello my dearies, How are you enjoying the story? Who's excited for the next installment? Any predictions for the future? Any ideas or suggestions floating around your skulls? If so message me!

Love ya, here's Chappie 18!!

Sierra's Point of View

My fist is going to be bruised later. "Goddammit Sammi!" I pound harder against her black room door. "I need to talk to you immediately!! FUCKING ANSWER!"

Finally the door opens and I halt before punching Sammi in the face. She's flushed and her hair is all disheveled. I take in her rumpled nightie and smeared lipstick.

"Oh my god..." my face heats up. "I'm so sorry for interrupting, but I have an emergency."

"Jinxx!" She turns and shoves her feet into a pair of sneakers, pulling a large black hoodie on over her night gown.

"Are you coming back to bed?" He calls from the other room.

"I have to go! Girl emergency!"

As she shuts the door I hear Jinxx groan and yell "COCKBLOCKER!!!"

With and awkward smile on my face, Sammi grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall, banging on Ella and Lauren's doors along the way.

"GIRL EMERGENCY!" She shouts when their doors open. A second later they fall in behind us and we pile onto the elevator.

We get out on the fourth floor and Sammi leads us to Jeffree's door and knocks briefly before shoving in. "Jeffree, we have an emergency!"

He sits up off his bed and pulls a bottle of wine from the side table.

"I'm ready."

We all settle on his bed in a circle facing toward me.

"Okay hun." Jeffree pops the cork on the wine and takes a sip before handing it to me. "Let's hear it."

"Well...uhm. Andy's birthday is tomorrow...."

Sounds of understanding emit from all of them.

"And I want it to be special...but I don't know how to do it..."

"Fill us in." Ella says.

With a slight smile on my face I tell them what I've been planning the past few weeks and, blushing, ask how to pull it off.

Jeffree takes another gulp before jumping off the bed, pulling me with him. "Okay girls. Let's go shopping."



Andy's Point of View

I stretch my legs and sigh. With a smile on my face I roll onto my side and reach out for Sierra's warm body. Confused and slightly annoyed, I open my eyes when I discover that I can't move my arms or legs.

"What the....?"

The thick black curtains are still drawn and lit candles sit atop dressers and tables and cabinets. I try to sit up but a metallic jingle eminates from my arms and legs. Struggling, I angle my head and see silver handcuffs binding my ankles and wrists to the metal bed posts. Okay. What the fuck is going on? I must be dreaming.

"Happy Birthday Andrew..." A seductive voice purrs.

I turn my head in the direction of the voice and my jaw literally drops. I take in Sierra's dimly lit form as she walks to the edge of the bed before climbing onto it and slowly crawls toward me.

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