Chapter 47- I Love You Too Much(Final Chapter)

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Deep breath. So here we go.

*skip to June 3, 2015*
Sierra's Point of View

I wake up to an empty bed and rub my eyes.

"What the..." I mumble, looking around the hotel room.

The curtains are drawn shut and there are candles sitting on every surface space available. Rose petals are strewn across the floor and the bed.

I notice an envelope sitting on the pillow next to me. A single rose rests next to it and I pick it up smiling.
Good morning darling, the letter reads. I'm sure you've noticed that I'm not beside you but don't worry, I will be soon. I hope you've had a good rest because I've got wonderful plans for today. You'll see an outfit in the bathroom. Get dressed and then when you're ready the attendant outside the room will take you where you need to go.
All my love, Andy.

That little rascal. Grinning I get out of bed and wince at the cold floor. Being raised in Texas and then moving to California - both overly warm states - had done nothing to help me adapt to cold weather. Actually I don't think anything could have helped me adapt to the harsh weather in Romania.

That's right. Romania. Andy surprised me by bringing me here a couple days ago. He said we needed an escape from everything back home. And his idea of an escape is to jet me away to a castle in Romania. It's not really a castle anymore though. It's been refurbished into a classy hotel in the middle of the Transylvanian forest. Romantic? Yes very much so. At least to me it is.

I go into the bathroom and ponder what he might be cooking up this time. You honestly never know with Andy.

I shower and dress in the strapless black dress hanging on the hook. It's sheer at the legs and has crystals at the bust. It's gorgeous. I step into a pair of black heels and apply minimal makeup, going for a more natural look today.

When I finish I grab by phone and by wallet. I check the time and am surprised to see it's almost 5 in the afternoon. I must've slept really late.

Leaving the room, a woman with short blonde hair approaches me. "You are Sierra, Yes?" She asks in her accent.

I nod.

"Come with me."

She leads me out of the hotel and we get into a car. We drive off somewhere and I sit back, trying to calm my nerves. About 15 minutes later we pull up to wherever we are.

It's dark now, the stars shining brightly through the forest above.

The door opens and I step out to see a path in the forest lined with small lanterns, lighting the way for whenever I am supposed to go.

I start on the path and can't help but feel like some kind of magical princess trapezing through a fantasy forest. The farther I walk I start to hear something. After a minute I notice that it's a guitar. I hear a voice, softly, but I would know that voice anywhere. Andy. I quicken my pace, holding up the bottom of my dress so I don't ruin it. Soon I'm able to make out words. He's singing. Softly, singing.

Finally I enter into a clearing. I gasp as I look around. Fairy lights hang from the trees and the small lanterns edge around the entire clearing.

And in the middle, standing and playing an acoustic guitar is my gorgeous boyfriend Andy. His hair is long and loose around his face, and he smiles at me before singing.

"...I love you too much...too leave without you loving me back..."

"Andy..." I murmur.

I stand and listen to his beautiful voice singing these romantic words to me.

He slowly walks closer to me in time with the song and right as the tune ends he gets down on one knee. My hand flies to my mouth and tears pool in my eyes.

"Angel," he says. "You're stunning.."

"Oh Andy..." I breathe.

He sets the guitar down and takes my hand in his.

"I love you Sierra. I love you with all of my entire being. I never thought you could love someone so much that it hurts but I do. I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up next to you each morning. Fall asleep in your arms every night. I want to have children with you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, always. Angel..." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small velvet box. "Marry me."

Tears are now running down my cheeks and I gasp for air.

"Oh Andy, um I...."

...To be continued...

So guys wow what do you think?" To everyone that has read my book and stayed with me to the end I want to thank you. I never would've made it this far in this book without your support. I love you all and I hope to see you in the sequel which will be called Thinking Out Loud. Lol I think it's obvious I have an Ed Sheeran obsession...but seriously who wouldn't. Anyway. The sequel will NOT BE POSTED UNTIL THIS CHAPTER HAS AT LEAST 10 COMMENTS AND 10 VOTES.
So if you really want the sequel comment like crazy, tell your friends, have random strangers vote, go nuts! Keep alert for an update on this book. Once my standard had been met I will update letting everyone know that the sequel has been posted. Also be sure to be following me because there will be little surprises in the sequel that only my followers can see. I love you all thank you so much. See you in the sequel. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
-xoxoxo Sierra (:

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