Epilogue & Sequel Info

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"I love you Sierra. I love you with all of my entire being. I never thought you could love someone so much that it hurts but I do. I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to wake up next to you each morning. Fall asleep in your arms every night. I want to have children with you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, always. Angel..." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small velvet box. "Marry me."

Tears are now running down my cheeks and I gasp for air.

"Oh Andy, of course!"

He smiles and slips the ring onto my finger, kissing my hand. I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him passionately.

His hands cup my face and he kisses me back.

"I love you...I love you...I love you..." we mumble back and forth between kisses.

His hand trails down my side to my dress zipper and pulls it down. I let my dress slide from my body and settle at the ground around my feet.

Trying not to feel exposed at being only in my underwear in the middle of a forest I stand straight as Andy steps back and looks me up and down. He walks around me in a circle, trailing his hand along my hips as he goes. Then he stands in front of me and strokes the skin under my bra line, causing goosebumps to run over my flesh when he unhooks it and pulls it off me.

I gasp when he palms my breasts, tugging on my nipples.

"Andy..." I whimper and he wraps his arms around me before laying me gently on the soft grass.

He pushes my legs apart and climbs over me, before pressing his lips to the valley between my breasts.

A moan escapes me as he sucks on my right boob, leaving behind a vicious love bite.

Summoning up my courage I sit up and pull his lips to mine, taking the opportunity to pull his shirt over his head.

The second our lips must part to remove his shirt must be a second too long for Andy because he takes the lead again and rubs me through my thong. My body's reaction to him is immediate and he grins as he kisses his way from my chin, collarbone, nipple, hip, and down to my underwear.

Locking his piercing blue eyes with mine he snags my underwear with his teeth and pulls them down my legs. He watches me watch him trail his way back up my legs, until he reaches his target.

Andy's lips press gently to the most sensitive part of me and I bite my lip. His tongue enters me then and he uses his thumb at the same time, pressing circles into my core. My back arches and I moan as he inserts two fingers at once, pumping in and out of me quickly.


"I love you beautiful..." he says, his lips vibrating against my skin.

My back arches and Andy must know I can't take much more because he kisses me one final time before sitting up and unbuttoning his jeans. He kicks of his jeans and boxers and retrieves a condom from his jean pocket. I watch him roll the dark blue rubber onto his hard length and then position himself at my entrance.

"Ready?" He asks, rubbing his erection against me.

I bite my lip and nod and feel my mouth open as he pushes into me slowly.

"Ohhh.." he groans, picking up his pace.

I reach up and pull him down, digging my nails into his back, causing him to gasp. He buries his face in my neck, his breath hot against my skin.

"I'm gonna go deeper," he pants, and I feel him push himself farther.

"Fuck.." I mutter.

"What?" His eyes are a striking blue, focused on our bodies.

"I always forget just how big you are...."

He nods and begins to thrust faster. Our moans grow and mix before we both reach our climax.

"I love you." Andy mumbles. "Now lets go back to the hotel so we can shower."

I giggle.

Okay guyss this is it for this book. My sequel THINKING OUT LOUD has been published so be sure to check that out. I love you all. ♡

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