Chapter Twenty Seven- 19 And Counting

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Andy's Point of View

I silence my alarm on my phone before it has the chance to wake Sierra. I carefully disentangle myself from Sierra's still naked body - we didn't bother putting clothes on after our bath last night.

Silently, I climb out of bed, pull on a pair of black and gray boxers, and head downstairs.

Crow weaves himself around my ankles as I grab out a few pans and dishes.

When it got into the late evening yesterday I began to worry that I would miss Sierra's birthday. We were originally supposed to be home last week but had a brief setback in Michigan and so we ended up being delayed.

But I'm still here on time, preparing Sierra's surprise birthday breakfast. I pour pancake mix into the pan on the stove and let them turn a golden brown before stacking them on a plate, pouring syurp, and stabbing a red candle in the middle. Adding a glass of milk and grabbing some silverware I head back upstairs.

I pause in my bedroom doorway and admire my sleeping girlfriend. Her jet black and blue hair splays across my dark pillows. The black comforter has fallen down some, exposing her bare body from the hips up. I take notice of her new tattoos and piercings. She looks the most beautiful in this moment than I've ever seen her.

Creeping closer I set her breakfast on the side table. Then I turn on my radio, Radiohead playing out softly, before crawling back into bed. I take my lighter and light the candle and then turn to Sierra.

"Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birthday to you..." I sing softly, twisting one of her curls around my finger. Her eyes flutter open and a smile lifts the corners of her lips. "Happy Birthday my darling Angel... Happy Birthday to you."

She sees the candle in the stack of waffles and giggles. "Aw Andy...."

"Make a wish." I say, holding it in front of her face.

She shuts her eyes, scrunches up her nose, and bites her lip before blowing out the candle.

"You are too sweet." Sierra says, leaning over to give me a kiss, and then taking the fork from my hand and eating her breakfast.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask.

"Uhhh...I just want to spend the day with you. It's been months since we were together and all I want is you for the whole day."

"Okay. Movie?"

She nods and I turn on the tv and click on Netflix. We flip through movies and shows until we come across The Notebook. Her face lights up but she feigns disinterest. Smirking, I click play and crawl back under the covers.

"The Notebook Andy? Really?"

"Don't act like you don't want to watch it."

"So Mr. Hardcore Rocker likes chick flicks...Do you also cry and sleep with stuffed animals?" She teases.

"Would you rather me be a heartless bastard?" I mock hurt.

"No." She gets out of bed to set her plate on the dresser. I follow her curvy figure with my eyes as she pulls open one of my drawers and slips my Misfits tshirt on. She's so short it falls to her thighs.

I smile and curl her body against mine when she gets back under the blankets with me.

Sierra's Point of View

The screen fades and the credits begin to scroll on the screen. I glance up at my wonderful boyfriend and am slightly surprised to see that while he doesn't look like he's about to cry, Andy looks extremely vulnerable.

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