Chapter 42- Baby Shower

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Sierra's Point of View

"What do you think of Bandit?" I ask.

"Bandit Pann?" Andy looks down at me from his spot on our bed.

"No, Bandit Biersack, of course." I giggle.

"He's gonna have my last name?"

"Why wouldn't he? He's your son."

Andy smiles at me, his blue eyes sparkling. "....So Bandit?"

I nod. I think that would be a really cool name for our son.

"I like it. Bandit Biersack." Andy strokes his chin. He's got a little stubble growing and let me just say, if I weren't pregnant...well I think you understand what I mean. "Also I like name Kailer. And Jared."

"Kailer...." I feel the name around in my mouth. "Bandit Kailer?"
(Pronounced K-i-ler)

"Bandit Kailer Biersack."

Andy and I smile at each other. He leans down and nuzzles into my neck, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You know." Andy starts, and I prepare myself for some mushy comment about us becoming a family. "If it's even possible... I think your boobs have gotten bigger."

My mouth gapes open and I stare at my inappropriately random boyfriend. Andy laughs at my expression and moves his hand to squeeze one of my breasts.

I gasp. "Andy!" Before giggling.

"Hmmmmmm." He breathes, hugging me close to him. I laugh and comb my fingers through his now shoulder length hair. I smile at the fact that his hair is growing back out. I missed it.

We lay together and just breathe for a few minutes.



"Do we have any caramel popcorn? And veggie bacon?"

Andy sits up and squints his blue eyes at me. "I doubt it...why?"

"Because I really want some caramel popcorn and veggie bacon. With some strawberry milk." I pause. "I'm gonna go to the store."

"What? Why?" Andy sits up in bed and watches me shove my feet into my sandals.

"To get some food." I say slowly, as if talking to a child.

"At one in the morning? Can't you wait until tomorrow?"

"Andy, the thing about being pregnant is what the baby wants, what the baby gets. Unless you want little Bandit Kailer to start eating me from the inside."

He makes a sound of disgust. "Thank you oh so much for that horrifying mental image." I laugh as he gets out of bed and pulls on some sweatpants and a hoodie, grabbing his converse. "Will you at least put on a shirt? I don't want half the male population looking at my girlfriend's boobs."

Sighing, I shrug on a t-shirt and we make our way down to the car.

When we return from the store I sit on the couch, dipping pieces of caramel popcorn into Tabasco sauce, munching on some veggie bacon, and sipping my strawberry milkshake.

"That looks disgusting." Andy comments, holding a slice of pizza near his mouth.

"But it's making baby happy so shut up and eat your pizza."

Andy giggles and obeys my command.

Andy's Point of View

"What flavor is it?" Jinxx asks, looking at the blue cake with the BVB symbol frosted onto it.

"I think we got half vanilla and half chocolate." I say, grabbing a couple chips from a nearby bowl and stuffing them in my mouth.

"Andy!" Ella smiles at me as she walks into the room. "It's been so long since I've seen you. 2 months at least."

I give her a hug and she smiles before linking hands with Jake. CC is going around the table of food, tasting everything he can.

"Really CC?" Sammi chides. "Save some for everyone else."

The door bell rings.

"I'VE GOT IT!" Sierra yells, and I hear her opening the front door and then a bunch of female screaming. "My family is here!"

I smack Ashley and hiss "be nice" before Sierra walks into the living room with her mom, dad, and sister.

"Hi Mr. And Mrs. Pann." I smile at them and shake her dad's hand.

"Please Andy, call us Joan and Daniel."

"Yes sir."

"Are you parents here?" Joan asks me.

I nod. "They're out back, on the deck."

Sierra's parents nod and head outside.

"Okay everyone." Sierra starts once we all gather outside. "I just want to thank you for coming to celebrate this with us and hopefully we'll all get to know each other well. So first were going to do introductions. Please raise your hand when I say your name." Everyone nods.

"Of course there is Andy and I, then we have Ashley Purdy, CC, Jinxx, and Jake Pitts (who are all members of Black Veil Brides). Next is Ella, Jake's fiance, and our friend Sammi. After that is Andy's parents, Amy and Chris. And then there is Sophie, Joan and Daniel, who are my parents."

Everyone smiles at each other and then we plow into the food.

Later when I'm getting a beer, I feel a hand clap me on the back and turn to see my dad standing there.

"Hey dad." I smile.

"'re gonna be a father..."

"Looks that way."

We share a look and grin at each other.

"It's one of the best things to ever happen to you." He says. "But time will fly by fast. He'll be all grown up and starting his own family before you know it."

"Ahh the family talk." Daniel walks into the kitchen with us. "Excited for father hood?"

"Scared shitless." I admit, running a hand through my hair. "How will I know if I'm any good at it?"

"Believe me," Dad says. "You'll know."

Daniel chuckles. "Especially because Sierra will be the boys mother."

We all laugh together.

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