Chapter Eleven- I Dont Love You

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Whoop Whoop! MCR reference title...... OMG I'm sorry. It's too soon!! )': Anyway, here is the fallout of last chapter's cliffhanger. (:

Sierra's Point of View

"Will you marry me?"

I stare at Dylan. I have no idea what I'm going to say. I mean, Dylan and I were together for 5 years. Feelings like that just don't go away. But I do know that I'm not ready for marriage.

Or at least not with him...This is all happening to fast. I mean, I'm eighteen fucking years old! I can't get married! At least not now..But I

can't flat out reject Dylan the way I did that one night back in August. I know that hurt him and the last thing I want to do is hurt him.

"Dyl..... Right now, I just need to process everything.... " His face falls. "Let me think about it, okay? I'll let you know in a few days?"

He nods, his saddness stamped clear on his face. "Alright. But wear this while you think." He slips the ring onto my finger. "I love you."

He presses his lips gently to mine and then heads back inside.

I let out a huge sigh and bury my face in my hands. I'm not sure how long I sit there. Maybe minutes, maybe hours. But after a while I hear the door open.


I turn to see Ella and Sammi walking this way.

"Sierra what's wrong?" Ella sits beside me when she sees by face.

"Uhm.." I say. "You know that Dylan guy? The one Matt brought with him?" They nod. "Well, he and I knew each other in high school. We dated for five years." They look at me shocked.

"Five years?" Sammi asks. "Well what the hell happened?"

"On our five year anniversary, we went out...and that night....Dylan asked me to marry him."

They gasp. "And I left. I don't know why! I wasn't expecting it and I got scared and when I got home it was no better!.....So I left. That night....I never told anyone. And that's how I

met Andy..."

Sammi crouches in front of me. "Why are you crying sweetie?" She wipes her thumb across my cheeks. I hadn't even realized I was crying until she said something.

"And just now, Dylan and I ran into each other and we talked. And, well... he asked me again..." I hold up my hand and they stare at the ring.

Ella takes hold if my hand and inspects the ring. "And you said yes?" She asks. "But we thought... "

"Thought what?" I narrow my eyes at them.

"Well," Sammi begins. "You and Andy were getting so close...and we were thinking that you and Andy were going to get together or something..."

I choke as another sob rises in my throat. Ella begins to rub my back and Sammi holds my hand as more tears stream down my face.

"That's the problem!" I gasp. "I like Andy, I mean I really, really, like Andy. But I still l love Dylan. After five years, those feelings can't just go away. And I know that Andy doesn't feel the

same way, and why would he anyways?? I'm surprised that Dylan still even wants me."

"Sierra, stop fucking talking about yourself like that. You are so amazing. You're incredibly

talented, so beautiful, and your

compassionate and caring, any guy would be lucky to have you!" Sammi says.

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