Chapter Nineteen- Pillow Talk

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Authors Note:

Hello my little lovelies! How art thou on this fine morn? Lol I'm writing this at four am. So who enjoyed the last chapter?? Yeah..... So I'm sorry It's taking so long, I know what I want to write, but filler chapters to get there are kinda annoying. So PLEASE tell me: Do you want fillers or to just skip to all the exciting bits?
Love ya! Here's 19!

Sierra's Point of View

"Angel....." A soft, deep voice purrs next to me.

I fail at stopping the smile that crosses my face and hear a quiet chuckle. Something soft touches my stomach and I peel my eyes open. The curtains are still closed so the room is dark. I look up to see Andy, laying on his side and propped on his elbow, hovering over me. He grins a lazy smile at me, eyes half lidded.

"Goodmorning love." He whispers.

"Goodmorning to you too."

I reach up and thread my fingers through his hair, pulling him down and giving him a soft morning kiss.

He pulls back and just stares down at me softly.

"What?" I whisper.


"You're staring at me...."

"Well excuse me for admiring the woman I love."

We laugh softly and then Andy begins to trail his finger tips in invisible patterns on my stomach.

"Did you enjoy your present?" I ask him.

"I think it was the best present I have ever received."

I blush. "Well I'm glad you liked it."

"Loved." He corrects. "And did you enjoy yourself?"

I nod. " you were my first." He freezes and looks at me. "You know, aside from Zack.... but you were the first person I wanted to do that with."

"You gave me your first time?" Andy whispers, leaning close to me. Biting my lip, I nod. His eyes crinkle and he smiles at me warmly. "You know...."


He nuzzles his face into my neck and kisses my jaw. We're quiet for a moment, our legs tangled, breathing soft, hearts beating.

"You are the only girl I have ever wished I had waited for." Andy says softly, running his hand down my sternum.

I stop breathing for a moment. I knew that he wasn't a virgin and I was fine with it, as long as he was fine with my situation.

"Really?" I whisper, barely audible.

He pulls up over me and I gaze up into his sparkling blue eyes.

Nodding, he takes my hand and places it on his bare chest, I feel his heart thumping softly against my palm.

"Do you feel that?" he whispers. "Can you feel my heart?" ( XD sorry had to) I nod. "My heart beats only for you. You are the only woman I have ever loved this way. I wish I could give you the world, but I can't, so please, take what I can give you."

Tears pool in my eyes. "I don't want the world Andy. All I want is your heart."

"Then it's yours."

He leans over and kisses my forehead, nose, cheeks, eyelids, and then my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you."

Okay guys, here's some fluff and love and cuddles. Take this, vote, comment, and share the crap out of my other chapters and Chapter 20 will be on the way soon!


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