Chapter 39- Four and More

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Sierra's Point of View

"Fuck." I mutter as I drop my shirt. Bracing my hand on my back I attempt to bend down and grab my shirt off the floor.

I spread my legs farther and try to reach around my huge stomach.

"Here." Danny Worsnop leans down and hands me the shirt.

"Thank you Danny." I smile at him and go back to folding the basket of laundry next to me.

"Ugh, I really do not like Andy at this moment." I say.

Danny chuckles. "No one likes Andy at any particular moment so I give you props for lasting this long."

"Who doesn't like me?" Andy asks, walking back into the living room with a bottle of water.

"The woman you've impregnated." Danny says. "Unless.... was it the salad?"

I pause, mid fold, and stare at my boyfriend's friend.

"I heard you were a vegetarian," Danny whispers, leaning closer to me. "Did Andy not warn you about the salad?"

"Sierra did not get pregnant from the salad you asshat." Andy says, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Wait, what about the salad?" I ask Danny.

He leans even closer and whispers "spermy."

It's then that I realize he's referring to the interview he and Andy did a few years ago. I giggle.

And then the baby kicks me really hard. "Aw, fuck." I gasp, placing my hand on my stomach.

"You need to sit down, the doctor's said not to be on your feet for long amounts of time." I let Andy lead me over to the couch and help me sit back.

"So," Danny continues as Andy begins folding the clothes I started. "How does it feel knowing that the baby in your belly was swimming around in Andy's dick?"

I slap my hand over my mouth to cover my giggles.

"I love how I can you to so many fucking places." Andy responds to Danny. "And it's always such a pleasure for everyone to be around. You always say the nicest things."

My laugh is cut off as the baby kicks again. "When exactly are you planning on announcing your love child to the world?"

"Today." I say. "We're doing a live broadcast on YouTube and posting it to our social media."

"Good. I'm surprised no one even figured it out before now." Danny sips his beer.

"You'd be amazed how well hoodies and flowy dresses work." I mutter. "Plus the only place I ever go is to work."

Danny shrugs. "I've gotta get going. Good seeing ya, watch out for the salad."

He slams the door behind him and I sigh placing my hand on my stomach. I can't believe I'm already six months. It feels like only yesterday we had just found out. But I was already almost halfway through by the time we did.

"You wanna go ahead and get on YouTube?" Andy asks, setting the basket of clothes aside.


We both tweet that we'll be on YouTube with an important announcement and then set up the cameras.

"Do you have the paint?" I ask, sitting on the couch.

"Yupp." Andy sits beside me with a bowl of bright blue paint. "Okay, here we go."

He turns on the cameras and I sit up and smile.

"Hi, it's Andy Biersack and Sierra Pann. To those of you that saw our tweets you will know that we have a very important announcement. Sierra and I have been dating for close to a year now and we are about to take a big step."

He looks at me and I raise my shirt up to my ribs. Andy then dips his hands in the paint and leaves two blue handprints on my swollen stomach.

"We are having a baby boy!" I exclaim. "I'm about six months along, and he should be due around January 4."

"Also Sierra and my one year anniversary will be in 2 weeks on November first." Andy adds. "Later!" We wave and sign off.

"Well." I say.

"Well. They know now."

I smile and lean forward, pressing my lips to Andy's. His hand moves up to cup my face and he kisses me back.

"I can't wait to have our baby boy in ours arms." Andy's murmurs. "....and you in my bed."

I blush and slap his arm, giggling. "You're so bad."

"If you weren't carrying our child I'd show you just how bad."

I blush even darker. "You'll just have to wait then."

And with that I stand up and slip on some shoes, picking up my keys. "Sammi and I are gonna go shopping."

"I love you!" Andy calls.

"I love you too!"

Andy's Point of View

A few minutes after Sierra leaves the doorbell rings. I set my slice of pizza back on the counter and walk to the door, Luna circling around my legs. I pick her up as I unlock the door - Sierra and I have discovered that she enjoys running outside and hiding for hours before trekking back home.

"Hey, Andy..."

I freeze and stare at the skinny, long haired blonde standing on my doorstep.


Authors note:

OMFG what does Juliet want? Comment and vote for the next chapter.

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