Day 0|II

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Célia picked up on the atmosphere immediately. She took one look at Becket, at me, and assessed the situation well.

The car ride was just as bad. It wasn't in awkward silence or with the radio on but polite conversation. Becket, clueless boy, didn't seem adept at picking the atmosphere up like Célia and continued to ask about random things like my day, the game, my performance, plans for the weekend.

At last we pulled up to my house. Célia didn't hesitate and threw the door open. I inhaled and turned to my boyfriend.

His eyes were already on me, still pulling out whatever he thought was there. "You okay, babe? Do I need to come in?"

"No!" I said too quickly. I tried again. "No, it's okay. Just tired from the week, the game, everything. You enjoy your night, whatever you will be doing."

He rubbed his head. "I'm not sure. Hannah said something about-"

"-Priscilla holding a party tonight, right?" I finished. He looked shocked and slightly confused, but he covered it up.

"But I'll let you know. Enjoy your night." Once again he leaned over for a kiss and once more only got a cheek in reply.

A word before you meet my family. They are... A little weird. My dad is a lawyer and he got pretty loud sometimes. Asking him to go or do anything is a massive nightmare as you'd imagine. He paired my mother perfectly. Gemma Hadley was the baddest journalist in Charringfall and between the two of them they were the strongest couple in the town.

And then there was my brother, Zayne. 

Well you'll see.

"You've got some explaining to do, Mamacita." Célia threatened with a poke and opened the front door.

Warm light bathed me immediately. I inhaled the scent of Célia's mother's pizza my mother probably picked up.

The entrance immediately opened up to an open plan floor with the living room to the left and the kitchen to the right. My dad lounged on a beige material sofa watching the TV over the dead fireplace. Neutral colors on the walls and curtains made the other two white furniture stand out.

Mom was busy pouring herself a glass of wine on the black marble countertop. Glossed wooden cabinets lined the walls behind her.

Dad was the first to notice our arrival, turning to us. I have to admit that Grant Hadley looked particularly happy that evening. A version of my rich ebony eyes stared back at me affectionately. The muscular, bold man moved to embrace me.

"And? How was it?" He asked after giving Célia a hug too.

She punched his arm. "Your daughter broke them down into pieces."

His deep resonating laugh filled the room as my mother greeted us endearingly too. "That's my girl. I picked up pizza for us. There's a box discreetly placed in the cupboard for you that your father and Zayne haven't touched."

My mother smiled evilly at her ingenious. Looking at her was like looking at my double except for the eyes, of course. Célia squealed and followed my motber back into the kitchen to get said box.

"And Zayne?" I carried our bags on both shoulders as me and my father moved back to the couch.

"At some party." My father grumbled as he settled onto the couch.

Could that be the same party Becket was invited to and potentially went to? Maybe. Zayne wasn't in school anymore and worked hard during the week even though he was just a year older than me. He was following my father's footsteps, interning at Charringfall's firm too.

A few minutes later Célia and I were decked out on my bedroom floor with my laptop playing whatever series and pizza on paper plates.

"So..." Célia waved her pizza around suggestively. It was a miracle my room wasn't covered in sauce and grease already.

"I honestly can't explain it." I finally began. I stared at my pizza and suddenly lost my appetite. "Nothing really happened, per se. I just overhead-"

"Cough, eavesdropped, cough. "

I gave her an eye. "-but it's not like it's anything new. Becket can go and do whatever he likes in his own time."

"And yet, for some reason, this time bothers you?" Célia, correctly, guessed. She took one massive bite. "You think his up to no good? With someone? Is it Hannah?"

I laughed and decided that, appetite or no, I was gonna eat. "No, well if he is I don't have any clue. I trust him."

"I just feel weird, you know? Like somethings gonna happen. My time feels limited."

She elbowed me. "No duh, Alice. This year is our last. Prom, school events, finals, graduation, everything. Most of us will be booking it to big cities, small towns, you name it."

I heard her, I really did but still. I felt like the sensation, the gnawing, was something other than just final year jitters.

However we settled the night, bellies full of pizza and To All the Boys I've Loved Before playing in the background.


I woke up with a shoe in my gut. One of our shoes (probably Célia's) had somehow gotten under me.

I groggily sat up. For whatever reason, sun wasn't streaming through the curtains. Perhaps I had woken up earlier than I anticipated. As I reached for my phone, I was amused to find Célia spread out across my bed seeing as I had slept on the floor.

It was later than I expected. I assumed if I opened those curtains I'd be greeted with grey clouds. I noticed a few messages from Priscilla and Erin but I decided to ignore them for now. Best not to start the day off with, what was most likely, rumors or toxic vibes.

Now that I knew it was a dark day, I noticed the chill in the room and decided to go make me coffee.

I stood up and threw the blanket I had slept on Célia's head. A satisfied sound filled my head as she groaned.

"I'm making coffee and probably won't make for you." I taunted and only received a grunt in response.

I found my mom already downstairs, a cup of steaming coffee and a book in hand. Sitting there spread out by the couch, she looked like a goddess.

"Morning mom." I mumbled as I moved deftly around the kitchen, making myself coffee.

My dad appeared behind me in a black pants and white shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He greeted me and then mom and then sat next to her.

"Alice, sit down quickly." My dad announced. "We want to discuss something with you."

Her Road|Book 2|Where stories live. Discover now