Day 9|III

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I didn't do anything in the shower this time.

My body was still tired, bags evident under my eyes yet my mind felt at rest. It may seem unusual but that's the affect Harry had on me. He seemed to make everything around him absolute. Plus what girl wouldn't be happy to have her crush sneak into her room through the freaking window?

The warmth of the water settled nicely within me. I wasn't worried about my hair, it no doubt had knots in it already. It would be a nightmare later on but, for now, it was therapeutic.

When I made it back to my room, the warmth blossomed out of control. The window was slightly ajar, enough to slip a hand through. The room still had that faint scent of his but it was quickly disappearing. The messy bed was neatly made, the pillows placed so it almost looked like those sets you see on display in stores.

He had made my bed.

Said boy wasn't there though. Somehow he had left without anyone noticing him. I had thought it to be impossible since it was broad daylight but I guess that was my fault. I shouldn't have put it beyond Harry.

I made my way downstairs after composing myself. If my parents questioned a smile under normal circumstances then I couldn't imagine what they'd say after yesterday. That being said, I needed coffee. Badly.

My family was scattered in the kitchen. Mom was dressed casually, her brunette hair piled in a messy bun, busy making herself a cup of coffee. My father was already sipping on his own coffee, absently watching his wife. Zayne sat next to him, the only one not wearing casual but pjs. He was digging into his bowl of cereal.

They all looked up as I made my way down.

"Morning." I greeted.

I immediately made my way to my mom, pouring myself a cup of coffee. The weight of everyone's gaze settled on my shoulders. I caught my mom's eyes which conveyed a quick message: How are you really?

I subtly nodded, enough to calm her nerves but probably not nearly enough to stop her pulling me to the side later on. But that was later.

The kitchen was neatly done in white: granite island surrounded by white cupboards. A window over the sink let the morning sun in, overlooking the backyard. Two thin black cables ran from the ceiling, holding lights in a glass bowl. I took the last remaining wooden highstool.

I was glad no one questioned me further. I had never really understood it when people said they hate when asked 'are you okay' and 'did you sleep fine', etc. But now I did. Right then all I wanted was to enjoy my coffee and finally start moving my life away from what had happened.

"Get any messages?" My dad broke the silence, watching me over the rim of his cup.

I nodded, remembering the load of notifications I had seen earlier. "I'm sure just people wondering if I'm okay. I'll answer after this."

My father, settled with his answer, brought his eyes to my mother once more. Zayne caught my eye and winked, before swallowing his mouthful.

"Uhm, there's something I wanted to discuss." He began slowly, placing his spoon down in his bowl. Everyone was focused on him, however he remained calm. "It's about the house."

Oh. A quick flashback of my dad's reaction when he told me about Zayne being left on his own played over in my mind. He didn't seem to like the idea at the time. I wondered if that had changed, granted it had only been a few days.

"I was thinking of how big the place is." He continued. "Now that all of you aren't there and I was considering solutions to it."

My dad's eyebrows furrowed. "You are not selling my house, boy."

Zayne's face hardened. "If you'd let me finish, you'd know I wasn't only suggesting that."

"You just got the house," My dad continued regardless, seemingly more upset. ", and you want to sell it?"

"All I was suggesting was being proactive." Zayne grounded out, his calm demeanor deteriorating as mom and I were just passengers. "It's a house for four people. I could sell it and use the money to finance a smaller place for me.

"Or," My brother continued just as my father was about to burst. ", I could rent out the rooms for tenants and use a portion of the money to pay for storage for everything you left behind."

Zayne got up, pushing his bowl away from him. "Next time listen to me before jumping down my throat!"

He stormed out of the house, pjs and all.

I left soon after, confining myself in my room. I wasn't worried about Zayne. For one, he wouldn't walk into gang invested territory like a certain someone.

I agreed with him too. He was working and having the house bring in some money would be a plus. I didn't understand why my dad was reacting that way, probably because he was stubborn. Maybe, just maybe, he had thought that one day he could go back.

I sighed and let my thoughts drift. Every minute something seemed to happen and now that I was laying on my bed, I began to digest everything. My thoughts moved like a river, from Harry to Zayne to Charringfall.

Speaking of which...

I unlocked my phone and scrolled until I found her name. With a deep breath in, I opened our chats.

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