Day 37|IV

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Before I could react, Harry was already dragging me down the stands and to the main building.

You could feel the excitement in the air. People on the stands were up on their feet, waiting for whatever the Top Fuel runs were.

Harry opened a door after putting in a pin and led me inside, clearly knowing where to go. It didn't help my nerves though.

"Look, Harry," I tried as we passed numerous doors and the cheers went up somewhere outside. ", I get you want to surprise me and everything, but it's okay. Can we just leave this part? I'm not sure I can-"

"I'll let you have time to back out but first," His hand reached out and swung a door open before he turned to me. His smile was gone but his attention was still solely on me. ", let's get you prepared."

Inside was a locker room with black and oak wood accents, vintage diner benches in the middle. It looked like a fancier version of a gym's locker. Harry moved to one of the lockers where headphones were hanging and gestured for me.

"Okay, so a few things before we head out. Rules and such." He nodded like he was compiling a list. I nodded too just because.

"Make sure to wear these ear muffs when we get there. Most of us wear ear plugs but I didn't have time to buy a pair for you." I took what I thought were headphones at the time and peered down at them. He continued on. "You really need to wear them, okay? If you don't, you might suffer some ear damage."

"This isn't really convincing me to come with, you know?" I mumbled as I put the ear muffs around my neck, putting a personal reminder on my brain to wear them.

"Relax, this is just because of the cars. It's only three things though so let me finish first." His hand covered mine and clamped both around his forearm. It wasn't a normal cute grip either. It was tight like you'd hold onto if you fell. "Don't let go of me, okay? Don't. The cars pierce the air incredibly fast so newbies might... Might not be ready. So cling on okay?"

I looked at our hands around his arm. I know we were on a date and essentially the whole thing was having one's attention on the other, but still. He was with me, completely. Physically, mentally, everything was on me. He genuinely cared for my safety and wanted me close should anything happen.

"Be clingy, got it." I nodded, biting my lip to hide my smile. He couldn't hide his.

"Good. Finally, watch where I step. The track isn't the most stickiest in US, mind you, but if you aren't careful you could still trip or lose a shoe. So watch okay?" He nodded like he was agreeing for me. Then when he saw I was silently giggling, he slowly wrapped his fingers around my ear muffs. "I'll be by your side the entire time. If anything happens I'll take the hit anyways."

My eyebrows furrowed. I reached up and grabbed his shirt, tugging him down a bit. "You're supposed to keep your promise."

He grabbed my biceps and leaned in, all tense. "The promise doesn't count if it means you getting hurt."

Awwwwww. I couldn't help but pout at how cute and stupid he was being.

His eyes slid down to my lips and I realized that I had inadvertently pulled him down to me.

I swallowed as he didn't look anywhere else."Just don't get hurt, okay? Otherwise I'll have to fight you."

His hands reached down until they clamped around my hips. I squeaked as I found myself off the ground and now looking down at him.

"We don't want that, now do we?" He teased as I desperately gripped his shirt. Lucky for me, his arms weren't fully extended. Fine, be like that then. I can too.

Her Road|Book 2|Where stories live. Discover now