Day 3|I

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I didn't tell anyone a word my father said. How could I? My dad wanted me to stay in Charringfall, the exact opposite of what I had assumed.

I thought against talking to my mom. I knew she already had a similar conversation with my father and still decided to go with him. What I did assume was that my brother didn't have a clue on what my father wanted. To him, I'm sure, the decision was just one of going with your family or staying with your friends. Surely that's what Célia didn't realize since all she wanted was for me to stay.

Regardless of what everyone thought, the decision should of been obvious. I mean what is Dominic Torreto always saying? "Family". I never realized until now that that's pretty much all he says. Hmm...

I spent the rest of the day flirting between the kitchen, bathroom and my room, not really in the mood to talk to anyone. My dad left me and I think he spoke to my mom because she followed suit. Only Zayne seemed lost and overall disinterested. If only he knew the action I'd take.

What I did do to distract myself was scroll through social media. I'm sure on someone's status or story or whatever you something about Becket. And, deep down, I was betting that if there was something about Becket, it would automatically include Hannah.

Finally the sun went to rest and once more harsh shades of red flooded my room. I moaned slightly (embarrassing, I know), a foreign sense of familiarity and comfort with tastes of elation overwhelming me.

Once dark, I quickly messaged Célia to reassure her. The minute I dropped her at home, she messaged me nonstop worried that something had happened to sway me away from the decision she wanted to me to make.

I messaged her goodnight and closed my eyes. Tomorrow things would change.

"Alice, wake up! Alice!" My eyes snapped open and I immediately cringed from the light and my father's closeness. "Finally. Get up."

I turned to my phone and unlocked it. 5 a.m? Is this man absolutely mad?

"What's going on?" I rubbed my head, my hair most definitely a mess.

My dad was dressed in sweats and a jacket. He was now sitting by the foot of my bed, right on the edge. He was leaning forward, interlacing his long fingers that Zayne, fortunately, had.

"What's your decision?" He quietly asked.

I raised an eyebrow. "I don't know, why?"

Several breaths went by before he finally opened his mouth. "I'm leaving now. I don't have time to pack every little thing, just my material and etc."

Now I was awake. "Wait, I thought we had more time? I mean it's a backlog of cases. It's not exactly going anywhere."

He ran his hands done his face. "I got a call about an hour ago. The Chief of Police, Chief Naomi, called personally. She needs me down there asap. Apparently three gangsters were killed by some kid while they were robbing his house. They need me by tomorrow to take the case over."

Oh crap. Three gangsters killed by a kid? I knew Ridgeway was another level since they needed my dad but this-

"I need your decision. Your mom is gonna stay to get things proper before coming over. Also probably sort Zayne out." He rushed. "But you need to make your decision now. If you decide, god forbid, to come with then we can get you enrolled in a school and you can start next week."

This was astronomically bad. I was assuming I still had time to decide or at least say goodbye. It felt wrong to leave my family for friends but it felt worse to leave just with no warning.

"I'm coming with." I answered. My dad's eyes widened and then a sense of pride filled them. Pride for what, I don't know. For my strength to come with or not abandon him, it didn't matter. I was going with.

"Okay Alice," He smiled slightly. "Pack some clothes, electronics and yeah, we'll get there by tonight. We're leaving in 20 minutes."

He swept out of my room and I jumped out. Twenty minutes to shove what I thought was necessary for, what was effectively, the rest of my life.

I threw on sweats and a hoodie before grabbing one of my older schoolbags. I threw my laptop, headphones, chargers.

As I made my way to my father, to tell him I was ready, I paused. I took one last look at my room sure that this was the last time I'd ever see it.

Then I went to look for my father.

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