Day 6|I

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Friday arrived and unfortunately it was the day. The day it was decided I would go to school. The day I would start over.

Thankfully, my mum arrived before that so I didn't have to go through everything by myself. I know a lot of teens don't really like relying on their parents, but it wasn't like I had any other options. Also, on the bright side, my relationship with my mother was really good to the point that I could rely on her.

I decided to go with a tight fitting jersey with dark blue jeans. It was casual enough but I had to admit I had a boy in mind. So I sticked with what I knew I looked good in.

I bit my lip as I grabbed the bag I put my necessities in, the remnants of my life in Charringfall. I bit my lip as I moved my hair out of my face, nerves jumbled.

Here we go.

Chief Naomi's charger waited patiently for me. My mother had decided to let me be, opting that letting me have those experiences by myself would somehow benefit me.

My father was still asleep though. He was definitely making his salaries worth but he was kind enough to wish me luck.

It was actually Chief Naomi that had volunteered to take me, which I was nervous about. I was sure there was an agenda but... A ride was a ride.

She smiled as she looked over me. "Not bad, Alice. Really not bad. I guess all that effort to keep you hidden wasn't in vain."

My body heated up as I smiled. If this was the reaction of an adult then I knew it was true. I did look good.

"Well, first impressions. New town and all that. I'm sure arriving with the chief would also help." She smirked and she nodded to get in.

We were a bit early for school but the principal had arranged for a tour. I was to meet her before school started so that she could guide me through the day.

The entire drive would take, even on the busiest day, fifteen minutes. So whatever Chief Naomi wanted to say, she only had so much time.

"You're a smart girl, Alice." She began finally, drawing a breath in. "You know why you're here. You know that this isn't a perfect town."

She couldn't see it but I nodded in agreement. "When you get in school, there's no doubt you'll see Harry. His story is pretty much everywhere."

"What is that you want me to do?" I finally asked.

"Don't believe the rumors. No doubt you'll hear quite a few, almost everyone has their own but none are even close to the truth." She explained as we pulled up. The windows were slightly tinted so that it was difficult for any student around to see us. "But just watch him for me? Please? He's a good kid. Something just bad happened to him."

Just a good kid labeled a murderer by the news? My thoughts moved to the town, the school, the beach. The boy. This place was definitely different. Beautiful even. Even if it did have a high crime rate. Even if the school did have murderer as a student.

"Sure. I'll keep an eye on him." I finally answered, watching the school. "I'm sure if everyone is talking about him then it'll be pretty easy to find him."

"Goodluck Alice. Hopefully, we won't see each other soon." She smiled and I had to remind myself that this was the woman that ruled an entire police force.

A new school, new friends (hopefully) and a task from thy police chief? What could go wrong?

Famous last words.

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