Day 5|IV

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Chief Naomi took my dad downstairs to introduce him to the principal, Mr Theodore. President of the fates, huh? I, instead, stayed up here for the sake of first impressions.

Don't misunderstand, I'm not one to dwell on my appearance and I did look good even if I was wearing two day old clothes. It was just that fact. I was wearing the same outfit two days in a row. I'd like at least a decent, new outfit for my new school. I hate to admit it but I wanted to at least look decent for my first day. Every child knew that how your first day went dictated who you first spoke to and what relationships were made. You could possibly break that hold but... Rather get it right the first time around.

I, in the meantime, stayed in the art studio, reveling in that warmth. I wasn't too worried about a student or teacher finding me. I assumed your art and IT only happened in afternoons or at least later in the day with the floor being pretty empty.

For the first time I wondered about the students. Like I said earlier, children can make or break you. However now standing and thinking about it, I wondered if they're were small town crazy. Your ragtag Riverdale cast or maybe they were somewhat decent. Like my last school but luckily I didn't have to dwell on the past.

Movement below broke me out of my thoughts. A small, lime (Seriously, who buys a lime coloured car?) hatchback pulled into the parking and slotted into one near the entrance. I wondered what time it was, and with a quick check on my phone, I found it was one p.m. Whoever this was, teacher or student, they pretty much missed the entire day of school.

A lanky male got out. I guessed that it was my vantage point that made him look extra thin but besides that I couldn't see anything about him. He wore a grey hoodie (hood up) and continued to face away from me. He grabbed a bag from the backseat and paused.

I followed his line of direction to the challenger we had pulled in. Nervous around the police, hey? He continued to stand there for a good second, no doubt thinking before turning around and making his way to the entrance.

Except he stopped again. I couldn't tell if this guy was frustratingly hesitant or just in his mind too much. But I got my answer as he lifted his head in my direction.

I quickly ducked next to the window where he couldn't see me. Jesus, had he known I was watching? I mentally slapped myself. Of course not. He could just be looking to see if anyone noticed him yet or maybe he was an art student.

Crap, an art student?!

I moved out of the art studio, after checking the coast, down the hall. The hallway led to a window with a more direct few of the fields and buildings. I was more in the open but I thought it would be less awkward than an entire class walking on me. A girl has to stay in control.

My pocket vibrated. I checked and saw it was from my dad. Just a few more minutes, he promised. Okay good. I didn't want to ruin the comfort I was experiencing with hormones. At this point, with basically no noise coming from below, I was seriously considering a sprint back to the charger.

I froze. I don't know what set it off. It wasn't a tingle at the base of my spine nor the hairs on my neck. No noise came from behind me either. I guess it was fate or maybe I suddenly discovered my spidey sense. Whatever the case, I whirled around and grey hoodie was behind me.

I was pinned, literally. Blocked in a corner and trapped with those eyes. Not because they were amazing but because I recognized them.

Somehow the boy's bruises had darkened. Maybe naturally, definitely not because of my punch. His hair, now dry was slightly lighter, sticking out of his hoodie. One of his busted hands held the bag I saw him take out of his car. And the flame in his eyes...

Seriously girl? Are you not gonna talk about the fact that you touched yourself-

I don't need memories of that right now, thank you.

-to him. Those hands, his voice... Take another look at them while you're staring at him.

Crap. My internal debate partner was telling the truth, I was staring at him. But strangely, I didn't feel the need to look away. Uncomfortable, yes but look away? No. And it was because he was staring me too.

He looked like every bad boy or hot villain I'd imagined. Cool. Cold. Confident. Nothing like the panicking, nervous, heart-pounding girl he faced.

But, all my assumptions were thrown out as out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed his leg sliding back and forth. Ever so slightly, over and over.

He wasn't confident at all. He was just as messy as me, maybe even messier. And that made me smile, knowing I could make him nervous.

Her Road|Book 2|Where stories live. Discover now