Day 4|III

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I bit my lip and sucked in. Could you blame me?

The boy hissed gingerly touching his face. There were purple bruises all over his face making him look like an underground fighter. Judging by his reaction my fist probably hit one of them because I was by no means a fighter.

Oh crap, I hit him.

I moved back, putting distance between him. He was a stranger but I wasn't panicking. He definitely looked like he could kidnap me and tie me up with that lethal, muscular frame. And judging from the slight tingle down below I'd probably wouldn't have a problem with it. His brown and blonde hair is unruly, the wind blowing it in every direction.

But it was his eyes. Not the way his hair called out for my fingers or the way his grey tracksuit pants fit snugly on him, but his eyes. His eyes were wild, a strange chaotic fire that made it hard to breathe.

"Hello? Are you listening?" His voice shocked me, it sounded gravelly. Almost toxic, packed with emotion. "Excuse m-"

"I'm listening." I shook my head and tucked my hair behind my ear. His eyes followed every movement, making me even more nervous. "Uh, do you mind repeating though?"

His eyes narrowed. "I said if you kept walking you would've ran into those gangs. You new here?"

Crap, the people I saw earlier. When I turned they were still there, talking but glancing every few minutes our direction. One of the boys, dressed in all black said something to the others around them. They promptly glanced to us, got up and moved further away.

"Yeah, I'm new." I turned back to my savior who I happened to punch. "So those were real gangsters?"

He wasn't looking at me this time, but in their direction. "If you walk down the beach, walk that direction. It's less dangerous and most people go there."

I nodded. Something I didn't notice was his cut up hands. I caught a glimpse of them when he pointed the opposite direction, confirming his underground fighting status.

He turned and started away from me.

"Hey! I'm sorry about punching you!" I shouted after him. He held a hand up and made a gesture that I assumed meant forget about it. Then I did something stupid. "Where are you going?"

He stopped and turned around, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not gonna walk with you. Next thing you think I'm following you home."

Damn, I didn't think about that. When I came up with a response, he was further down the beach. Too far to hear me.

I stood there for a while, watching him like the creep I was until he faded away. I made my way home but made sure no one was following me. The close call with those guys at the beach had started to set in but also I kept wondering if my dark hero would have been lying. Nonetheless, no one followed me and when I got home I was exhausted.

I pulled out my phone as I fell onto the couch. It immediately began to rung and I smiled when I saw who it was.

"Hey, Mom." I felt calm, the way I only do when my mom talks to me.

"Where have you been, young lady?" She yelled so hard I winced. "I've been calling you for the last hour!"

What? I pulled away and looked at my notifications. Crap, five missed calls.

"Sorry mom, I was just trying to catch up on some sleep after our trip." I lied through my teeth. There was absolute no way that she wouldn't go berserk if she found out what I was actually doing.

"It's okay, dear, I understand." She could never stay mad for long. "So how is the infamous Ridgeway?"

I tried thinking of something that made this place amazing. It was still gloomy but it hadn't came down in a while. But then a memory of eyes..

"It's nice." I cleared my throat and crossed my legs. "It definitely doesn't have the looks of a messed up town. The houses and things is nice but we're really close to the beach. That's the best part if it wasn't so gloomy."

"I can't wait to come. I haven't been to a beach in a while." She paused a minute, probably imagining it. "We should get a house somewhere near to it. I'll start looking so long. Did you find any schools?"

I told her of Moirai and how it was the only school in town and for miles. I assured her that it was at least a good school from what I could see from the website and that tomorrow she'd go and apply with/without dad.

"You taking care of that idiot? I bet you he hasn't even eaten." She hissed. "I transfered some money over incase you need to order something."

I thanked her, mentally slapping myself. There was still left over pizza from earlier but nothing else in the fridge.

"Alice," My mom called. "I don't know if you want to hear but I have some news on your friends and brother."

Her Road|Book 2|Where stories live. Discover now