Day 38|I

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As we walked back to his car, hands firmly held, I caught him glancing down at me a few times.

The date was, for the most part, over. It was already past midnight, heading to one as we walked. It felt strange to say but I think he was watching me more closely since he knew in an hour or so (Depending on how he drove) he wouldn't see me for a few days. Was he going to end it on a high? When would I see him again? The thoughts made me squeeze his hand and cling to his arm.

I found it stranger still that there were still a few cars in the parking lot. Perhaps a little over a dozen. I didn't realize people stayed so late but the strip itself was dark. People miled around their cars, almost waiting.

Their eyes followed us as we moved, probably assuming we went to a corner and did things like teenagers do. They weren't completely wrong but the attention made me suddenly shy.

Harry opened the door for me and helped himself in. The comfortable silence was penetrated by only the soft melody of Khalid.

I watched him shift into fifth as we traveled down the single, long road that led back to Ridgeway. His long fingers would wrap around the knob of the gear lever to change to whatever gear he desired, his eyes switching between his mirrors every few minutes before settling on me again. I didn't look away though. I had been staring at him for the better part of twenty minutes now.

"You staring really puts a different spin on the whole stalker thing." He joked while checking the road.

With a smile, I shook my head. "I think you watch You a little too much."

He slid his fingers through mine and rested them on top of the lever. "Yet, green underwear."

The image of a Harry gripping my green underwear with my chest against the wall played in my head. Harry chuckled as in reaction I had squeezed his hand.

I scowled through the sudden rise of temperature. "You did that on purpose!"

He checked the mirrors once more. "Maybe but let's not pretend that you'll be saving that image."

I huffed and stared at our hands intertwined. I considered getting revenge. Maybe have him grab something or do something to him that would make him as hot and bothered as he had made me. In the end though I decided against it.

It was quite clear that there was very little stopping Harry from taking me right there and then. Perhaps that would be a bit distracting while he drove so for now, I was against it. For now.

I decided to maybe ask him to use my hand to shift when we got to town since we only needed one gear pretty much the entire time when he suddenly let go of it. I looked at him, puzzled before lurching forward and being thrown back.

In quick action Harry had downshifted the car into fourth and floored it. His eyes flickered between the different mirrors, both hands tight around the steering wheel.

"Whats going on? Harry!" I shouted, panicking as we crossed 100 on the speedometer.

But he didn't answer so instead I looked around. What could cause Harry to drive this way? He was still continuously checking the mirrors and when my eyes followed him, I saw why.

Behind us was a Lexus sedan, too dark and fast to see the color. A arm was out the passenger window and soon another appeared, hoisting a man half out. His clothes ripped around because of how fast we were traveling but that wasn't the thing that shocked and filled me with dread. The man pulled something else out of the car and held onto it with one hand.

A gun.

"Harry... That's a gun. THAT'S A GUN!" My heart pounded over and over and that sentence repeated in my mind. "What's happening?"

"I won't let them touch you!" He snarled out as he bobbed and weaved in the road, throwing me from side to side.

"But what's ha-" Little pops pierced the air, interrupting. Well I say little, but really they were mini thunders somehow piercing the speed and shouting of Harry and I.

My body crashed into my door as Harry swept back into the right lane. Sparks flew off the road alongside us and a thud came from somewhere in the back.

Through the fear and panic, I gazed into the mirror on my side. At the rear of the car there was miniature crater as if a small object had pierced the metal.

A bullet.

A bullet.

They were shooting at us.

Shooting at me!

My hands shot out at anything, the door handle, the seat belt, gripping it as if it were to support me. I didn't know where to look. I didn't know what to think. Thoughts were impossible to make.

Looking back, I never once wondered about Harry. I never once noticed the coldness wrapping around him, his muscles taunt around the wheel as he flicked the car wherever they weren't shooting. The scary, fierce look on his face. Of course he would look like that. It was happening again and it was up to him to stop it. Again.

But I didn't notice it so when I turned to him, tears streaming down my cheeks and went to grab him, glass shards suddenly rained past.

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