Day 37|V

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We quickly dropped the borrowed ear muffs off and walked back to the parking lot. Except we didn't go towards the car but right, following a path away from the drag strip entirely.

Harry stopped and looked around, checking something. Then, when satisfied, crouched and backed into me. I yelped as I suddenly found my feet up off the ground and my limbs around him. He was giving me a piggyback ride.

"You know," I croaked out, still in shock. ", you're quite clingy."

I settled against him, making sure to avoid his wound entirely and still be comfortable. Carrying me was apparently no struggle for him.

"Is that a complaint I hear?" He joked as we continued down the path.

I chuckled quietly and buried my chin in his neck. "You're so warm with me. Considering how you're usually are, I mean."

I was afraid I took it too far. I didn't want him to think that I didn't like his introverted side but he laughed. "Is it bad that you're the only one I want to smile around?"

I was starting to understand how I could love him. Before it was just worrying and sexual tension galore. He never really straight out did things, more like created mazes with the meanings in the center but this was the real him. Introverted or not, he was warm and considerate and caring in his own way.

Tall trees stood at the end of the pathway we were on, behind them complete darkness. Yet I decided to just trust him. I had doubted and worried about every aspect of the date up until then and I was finally content with being completely in Harry's hands.

The pathway dissected cleanly through the trees and we continued to walk until the surroundings opened up. It was a glade.

A massive stump stood in the middle of the glade underneath the night sky. The leaves of the trees surrounding tried reaching out to cover the opening but only added to the beauty of it. It was totally closed off, I couldn't even see or hear the drag strip.

Harry slowly kneeled for me to get off and moved around the skirting of the glade. A flame flickered from a lighter in his hands as they found old oil lanterns pinned to the trees. Soon the soft glow from all around us filtered to the center.

"I never would have guessed this was here. Out of all places too." I marveled as I moved to the center to look up at the stars.

Harry moved next to me and slipped his hand in mine.

As he led me to the stump, he explained. "Yeah. When we used to finish doing runs or something we used to come here to chill. I haven't been here in forever though."

"It's beautiful." I mumbled. He sat down with his back against the stump.

Under the light orange glow, the edges of his were more defined. His jaw, the edge of his nose and even his long lashes.

He peered up at me. "Yeah. You are."

I could feel the heat rising into my cheeks as I figured out what he meant. He held a hand out to me and I took it. I expected to fall next to him but my eyes widened as I fell into him. His arms moved around me until I was sitting between his legs, my chest against his hard one. He slowly laid himself back against the stump.

I knew he wasn't comfortable. Absolutely no way yet he didn't complain as I laid on top of him, both of us staring up at the stars.

Listening to his fast heartbeat that pounded underneath my head, I could almost close my eyes and picture him not there. Maybe through a phone or something. Not underneath me.

"I like you, Harry." I blurted out and once I started, there was no stopping everything from spilling out. "I think I knew it the day you saved me. When you left in that ambulance, I knew for sure. You consume me, Malakai."

I understood why my breathing was so labored. This was Harry and to top it off, a silence settled over us baring my breathing.

Tingles spread from his finger tips as they trailed up my neck, along my jawline as he grabbed my chin. Slowly, his fingers inched upwards.

"You're on my mind all the freaking time." He breathed out, warmth seeping through me. "You're the only thing I can think of. You consume me. I find myself looking for you, listening for you. When you're near all I can think of is touching you in someway, being in your presence. I like you too, Hadley. My bright light on a miserable, rainy day by the sea. Punching me and all."

I chuckled as I remembered our first meeting. I turned so I could face him and touched his cheek. His eyes were ablaze in the low light, reminding me of the red glow of the setting sun.

"You make my sleepless nights worthwhile." He leaned into my palm. My mouth was slightly agape as I realed in his words.

The second I laid eyes on him, I knew. How everything about him made me giddy and anxious, nervous and afraid. He lit every organism in me and that caught me off guard.

Like a presence surrounding me, he called me.

Filled me.

I leaned up until I was sitting on his lap, looking down at him. My eyes traveled between his and his lips.

His fingers ran over my wet lips. "Every time. Every time I imagine tasting those lips, feeling them on mine."

"You have no idea what I think about." I admitted, my cheeks no doubt red as I recalled all the fantasies. His fingers dragged my bottom lip down as he stared hungrily at it.

"I think I do." He said underneath his breath. Then his fingers curled around my neck and pulled me against his lips.

I inhaled sharply. It wasn't soft either. The kiss was hot, passionate, scorching. But it had a sweet side to it too, the lingering taste of vanilla. Every part of me exploded, tingling with the energy and ecstasy of the fantasy becoming a reality.

Harry let out a groan as I took a chance and deepened the kiss, reaching my core. I let out a muffled moan as his hands slipped down to my ass and squeezed, rubbing me against his hard dick.

I couldn't help myself as I found myself sliding up and down, grinding my wet, sensitive core against him. My mouth parted as I moaned quietly and Harry slipped his tongue inside my mouth, playing with mine. His hands gripped my ass and helped me grind against him.

"Fuck..." He moaned against my lips and made me want to go faster.

I never understood why girls are okay with losing their virginity or doing it anywhere in books or movies. But now I did. Feeling him, even though it was through our pants, made me want more. It made me want to stick my hand in, grip him at the base and stroke him until I slid him in. I didn't care if we were out in the woods. That slightly scared me but it mostly thrilled me.

My head fell into his neck as the pleasure became unbearable. His nails dug into my sweats as if he could feel it but suddenly, he stopped.

I lifted my head to see his forehead slightly glistening. I thought something was wrong but he was looking at me with pure lust and hunger.

"I'd love to continue but I don't want our first time to be out in the woods." His fingers caressed my locks out of my face. I rested my swesty forehead against his.

Once I thought about it, it made sense. Though I was disappointed that we didn't do more, I was more excited just for the fact that there'd be a next time.

"You're right." I sighed but opened my eyes to smile at him. "I don't want my first time to be on the ground with bugs and things anyways."

My eyes widened once more when I realized what I just admitted but before I could react, Harry leaned forward and planted a long, single kiss.

"I promise you this: For our first time you'll have a bed, candles and everything in the world needed to make it perfect for you." He promised against my lips.

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