Day 37|II

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"Why are we doing this?" I laughed as Annabeth threw every piece of clothing out of my bag

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"Why are we doing this?" I laughed as Annabeth threw every piece of clothing out of my bag. It felt good to laugh again.

Annabeth huffed as she pulled a black sweatpants from the disarray. She held it triumphantly towards me. "I know you're beautiful. You know it. Just put it on. It's not like I'm dressing you in a skintight dress or anything."

That was true. I was already decked out in comfortable clothing before I'd gotten here. All this really was a dress up. Still, I felt it was odd that Annabeth of all people was dressing me. Then again a dress up wasn't exactly the strangest thing that had happened.

"Fine, fine. Bossy." I stuck a tongue out and peeled my pants off in exchange for the sweats.

I had to admit that it suited me better, more decent if I went outside and it paired nicely with my white t-shirt. Annabeth sat on the edge of her bed nodding seriously.

"Yep. She can be a model." She confirmed. I rolled my eyes. My hair was a mess, loose strands in every direction and my face was oily from the day. I was about to correct her when her mother shouted below.

"Annabeth babygirl, you mind coming down to help me? Real quick?" Mrs Thomas requested. She was actually really nice. She didn't ask any questions on whatever we were doing or anything. Could be that thing where parents weren't noisy until the guest left but I didn't mind at all.

"I'll be back." Annabeth smiled, almost exactly like before, and left. I sighed and plopped on the bed.

I laid still for a few seconds before rising again. I watched myself in a mirror and smirked, the thought of how kinky Annabeth was to have a mirror in front of her bed. Future ammunition, perhaps but slowly my smile faded as my eyes scanned my body.

I drew my right arm up my body, pressing until it was against my stomach. A warm feeling spread outwards to each limb.

My left hand drifted to my left breast, slightly in the valley between the two. The quick paced, pounding rhythm of my heart traveled through my finger tips.

"I've got you."

Fuck me! He wasn't even anywhere near me and yet I was being affected. I looked at my hands, placed in positions significant to us. I missed him. The nostalgia almost made me want to fall back and pretend to collapse into him like before.

"Alice!" Annabeth"s mother shouted once more. My hands dropped back to my sides. "Get the door, would you? Annabeth can't right now."

The door? Had I been so out of it I didn't even realize someone rang the doorbell? I knew this house had one even though I'd never heard it before. Instead of pondering it, I rushed towards the door. I didn't want to keep whoever came to see Mrs Thomas waiting especially since I already spent too much time thinking.

I swung the door open and attempted a smile to greet which slowly melted away.

He stood down the path, leaning against his car while facing me. He didn't look like he had spent days on end in the hospital. A loose, thin white t-shirt hung off him over his grey sweatpants. He smiled softly and even from this distance I could see his eyes blazing away.

My eyes scanned Harry for any changes from his time away but the only thing that had changed was his hair. The sides were cut short to the skulp but the bizarre thing was that his unruly hair was pulled up into a bun. Strands that had escaped hung in his face but the sight still took my breath away.

"W-what..." I tried as I continued to take him in over and over again. I couldn't move either. Luckily I didn't forget how to breathe.

"He's here for you, dummy." I whirled around to see both my friend and her mother standing behind me, smiling. "Now, go get that jacket I put out for you and put your hair up in a messy bun. Apparently boys love that and you'll match!"

I just stood, staring incredulously when her mother got impatient. "Go child!"

I'll admit it. I sprinted. I dashed up the stairs, almost tripping myself before grabbing a jacket Annabeth apparently put out for. I threw it on quickly as my hands pushed my brunette hair up into a messy bun. Honestly I was in such a rush that it really was messy.

I dove between the Thomas's and sprinted towards Harry. His eyes followed me as I jumped him. Luckily, and exactly what I hoped for, his arms wrapped around me and pulled me off the floor into him.

"You promised." I mumbled into his chest, inhaling his scent which made me shudder. Every part of me was on high alert.

"I'll always come back even if I break my promise." He said into my hair, assuring me. Thinking back, the fact that he knew exactly what I was talking about instantly made it so much better.

Whether it was in the room or at school, he remembered. He always seemed to remember.

He shifted slightly, positioning me lower but still off the ground so he could look at me and I him. He was so warm too, not his usual un-expressive self.

"I'm here to pick you up, Ms Hadley. You and I are going on a date." He smiled at my expression as I processed his words.

"Now? I'm having a sleepover with-"

"Why do you think that is, Beautiful?" Annabeth interrupted, the knowing smile still present. "We'll continue this later. Go."

As we spoke a car pulled into the driveway and a man stepped out, presumably Mr Thomas. He was almost a spitting image of Annabeth with his short, chocolate colored hair. His amber eyes moved between us and his family.

"Here to take Alice out, huh Harry?" He didn't seem to care about the way Harry was holding me or the way his wife and daughter were watching.

"Yes, Mr Thomas. I'll probably have her back at midnight." He didn't bother to lower me either. Midnight? It was just hitting half past four. That meant at least seven more hours.

He nodded before smiling slyly. "So two a.m then?"

"Daniel!" Mrs Thomas yelled at her husband who chuckled in response and held his hands up in surrender.

"Take care of her, Harry. And Alice," He smiled warmly. ", enjoy yourself."

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