Day 6|III

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Who was this guy, was all I thought about as we walked. Before I could see his innocence and could even put the incident down to possible self defense. But destroying a pharmacy? Perhaps my dad was right, he might be just a tad more dangerous than I had assumed.

And yet here I was, walking with his friends and going to meet more. Nice Alice. Nice.

Though I will admit my curiosity had peaked to the same level of those around me, literally stopping to access me but I was wrapped up in Harry's storm to notice anymore.

I decided Bran wasn't a player. The more I watched him bicker with London, making her laugh and scowl, the more I decided against it. It appeared she was just too blind to see how much he liked her. That or she wasn't aware of the level of emotion he had for her.

It made me wonder. How come we can always tell who likes who, who we should ship in our favourite series? How is it that we can always see the connections between others until it involves us? I sure as hell didn't understand it.

London tapped me, bringing me out of my daze. "A warning before you meet the rest. They can be a bit... Loud. But they're good people."

I gave her a grateful smile. "I think I'd like some good people right about now."

"Then you're in luck." Bran chuckled and nodded. He then yelled down to a group and raced towards them. Here we go.

"Hey guys." Bran stopped infront of three other girls, wrapped his arm around one and gestured to London and I. "We've got a tag along."

"A tag along?" Two of the girls both said. If not for my racing heart and London throwing a arm around me, I would've sized them up.

"This is Alice." London brought me closer. "She's a new student and yours truly has been nominated to show her around and orientate her."

All their gazes fixed on me, making the zoo in my belly erupt into pandemonium. Most were all taller than me so that didn't help.

"Hey." Was all I managed and smiled. I was glad it wasn't a croak or anything. That would be mortifying.

One girl stepped forward. She was the only one I was taller than and she looked bad. With her black hair tied in a messy bun and her beautiful brown skin, she literally glowed. Plus with her outfit being a brown aesthetic with a leather jacket, she looked bad.

"Hey, Alice. My name is Cass. Welcome to the real people group, where it just so happens that none of us are fake like the others." She winked and my smile grew. She pointed to the girl behind her, playfully rolling her eyes. "That's Shana. Don't pay too much attention to her. We're beneath her."

Shana pushed Cass back and hugged me. Her curly black hair was pinned up in a bun too but my eyes focused on the piercing she had in her nose. "She's just mad that somehow she's still the shortest in the group. But yeah, Shana and the weirdo staring at you over there is Annabeth."

My breath caught in my throat. Out of all of them Annabeth was the most beautiful. She had jet black hair that fell over her shoulders with dark chocolate eyes that studied me just as hard. When she realized we were having a non-discrete staring contest, she smiled, embarrassed and looked away.

The others began asking me questions like where'd I come from, how old was I, etc. I was glad they were so spitfire-y. It was a good distraction away from my crazy thoughts.

Everyone besides Annabeth but that wasn't a bad thing. They were loud, crazy, always at each other's throats. They were real.

Bran noticed Annabeth's exclusion and followed her gaze. Slowly everyone noticed and hushed down.

I followed as I heard a woman ask. "Do you know where I can find Harry Malakai?"

Her Road|Book 2|Where stories live. Discover now