Day 0

15 4 16

Warning! 18+ Read at your own discretion!

I just about closed the door before I found myself sitting on top of the bathroom counter. I was already panting, out of breath from pure excitement.

It was always like this when Harry looked down at me, his eyes scanning every inch of me like it was the most beautiful thing in the world and his hands running all over me.

"We don't have a lot of time." I whispered but it came out as a hush.

It was true though. Downstairs, in the backyard, our friends were having a hangout around the pool. Drinks and all. We'd somehow made it a routine to have a few of this a week but at a different house each time. Still, the thought of one of our friends hearing us or walking in on us made me shiver.

Before I could think about it too much, Harry's lips found mine and eagerly devoured them. My hands clasped onto his tight biceps as hes dove under my shirt. I trembled slightly as his warm fingertips traced themselves up my stomach. I gasped as he bit my lip while his fingers played with the lining of my bra.

But I was greedy. I have been for a minute now. The more Harry and I did the more I craved to hear him again, to touch him again. My hands sunk from his arms and grabbed his waistband, pulling him impossibly close.

He silently groaned as he melted our lips together. His hands gripped my left breast, groping and massaging it with pace. He moaned more from the friction of his erection directly against my core.

One hand tilted my head back as the other slipped down my body. My eyes met his lips, panting and gasping, and then his eyes. His fingers slipped in my pantys and grazed over my eager pussy.

"Fuck me." I hissed softly, my body already craving him more. I wanted his fingers in me, stretching me. My eyes shuttered but his fingers tightened around my chin, forcing me to open them and watch him touch me.

His fingers continued to play with me, spreading my lips, pressing against my clit making me arc against the mirror.

"Alice, you here?" A voice yelled from the hallway. My eyes widened as Harry paused. It was Bran.

"Answer him." Harry whispered as I looked at him, trying to compose myself.

"Yeah," I answered back, trying to sound normal. ", just busy. I'll be out now."

Silence. During it, Harry slipped his finger inside me, sliding the entirety of him in me. I shut my eyes in ecstasy and pressed my forehead against his shoulder.

Bran continued. "Yeah sure, Annabeth is just waiting for you."

His fingers edged themselves ever so slightly in and out of me, torturing me, leaving me trembling. Gone were the thoughts of grabbing him and stroking until he finished all over me. Now, I just wanted him to finger me until I orgasmed on him.

"I-I'll be out now." I couldn't help but let a small moan out, my muscles clenched around Harry's finger.

"I'll tell her then." Bran finally said. He could've been waiting outside the bathroom or have gone downstairs. We didn't know. Harry didn't care.

He bit my lower lip again. "Guess we'll have to finish this then."

Before I could even say anything remotely hot back, he pulled me closer to the edge. His free hand clamped on my leg, lifting it and resting it on top of his shoulder. His hand then clamped around my neck, pressing it against the mirror as he slid a second finger in me.

He began pounding me, his fingers pushing deep into me over and over again. Our breaths fogged the mirror up as he finger fucked me, wet noises and soft moans filling the room.

"Cum for me. Cum for me, Alice." He moaned as he added his thumb, pressing the pad of his finger on top of my clit and rubbing it as fast as he was pounding me.

I grabbed on his arm as tightened his hand on my throat, pushing me even more. "Don't fucking stop, Harry."

But he did. With one last thrust, he pulled his fingers out and began rubbing my pussy. I knew what he was doing and it was taking everything in me not to explode right then and there.

My eyes darted about, absorbing him. His fingers rubbing my wet pussy, his hair a mess from my hands running through them, the outline of his hard dick clear from my position. It wasn't just that that made him so beautiful to me.

I felt closer than ever to him. This love of ours had grown and it was worth the wait. I knew immediately that this was what true love was meant to feel like. Two souls, bonded in so many different ways.

I pushed his hand off my throat and took a finger in my mouth, sucking it as I got close. I knew how badly he wanted that finger to be his dick, saliva already rolling down his hand.

A finger slipped inside me as he rubbed me, adding pressure as my climax hit. My walls crumbled as I felt myself squirt all over his hands, my nails digging into his arms, lips clamped around him.

I crumpled against the mirror, the tap jabbing into my back but I didn't care. Harry didn't move, only his finger slipping out of my mouth and running over my lips. A small smile was on his face as he held my eyes.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered, even more heat rising through my face. I didn't exactly understand but everytime Harry made me finish, it made me extremely shy afterwards.

I shifted and tried lifting myself so I could stand. I groaned as Harry slid his finger out of me, my underwear soaked. Harry's arms hooked around my waist and pulled me into him, holding me. Sometime during everything, he'd managed to pull off my pants. Another thing I couldn't explain was my inability to walk after one of these. I'd initially thought it was because I was new to it but that was some time ago.

Nonetheless, with Harry's help, I slipped my panty off and put my pants on. He balled the soaking garment up and shoved it in his pocket. I gave him a shocked look but he just kissed my forehead.

"Are you gonna keep it?" He raised an eyebrow. When I didn't answer, he nodded and moved to the door with my hand in his. "They're waiting for you."

They were. Summer was almost over. In the next week or so we'd all be leaving for college and university. Some of us would be going to Saint Cli so we'd still be together but others wouldn't. The entire country was on edge too, waiting to see what would happen with Ukraine and Russia.

But for now, I kissed Harry's hand and let him lead me to the future.

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