Day 6 |V

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London's hand squeezed my shoulder, a small smile on her face. "Hell of a first day, huh?"

I looked back towards the teacher and Annabeth. A boy was leaning against the entrance, waiting for something or someone. He was muscular, definitely a sportsman and had sandy hair. Annabeth seemed to be making her way to him.

"That's West, Harry's friend and teammate." Shana gave me a knowing look. "He's one of the guys coming tomorrow."

Ahh, okay. A friend of Harry's. "What's he waiting for?"

"Probably Annabeth." She smirked and looked back towards them. The smirk slowly faded.

Another boy had appeared from somewhere. Seems like Annabeth had a few guys under her wing, I thought bitterly. This one though was the complete opposite of West though.

He was scrawny, kinda tall but lanky. A hoodie and sweats hung off him, he's coal colored hair stuck out from under.

"Well is it usually this full of activity, or is it just you people?" I commented but Shana didn't respond.

West crossed the distance until he was just behind Annabeth. I didn't understand why. Then again I didn't know who that other guy is but clearly West wasn't gonna take any chances. Whether that was because he didn't trust the other guy or he wanted to be Annabeth's knight, your guess is mine.

"Believe you me, Alice," London began. "After the thing about Harry made its rounds, things have been on edge around here. Look. "

The boy was trembling now. I figured he was about to take a chance but he just spun on his heel and disappeared through the entrance.

"That's Jace. Kinda a odd ball." Shana finally explained, still watching the doors. "Be sure to stay away from that one, Alice."

I raiaed an eyebrow. "Didn't you say that about Harry?"

London rolled her eyes. "Yeah but Jace is worse. He's been like this for a while, we're not entirely sure why though. If anyone would lash out, it would be him."

Shana pushed her, making her stumble. "Relax there, mama bear. You're gonna make our new transfer hate this place."

She scowled but taking one look at us, she realized Shana was right. She sighed and held her hands up in surrender. "Right, you're right. Why don't you come tomorrow and judge for yourself?"

"Let's talk and move." Shana nodded towards West and Annabeth.

As we walked, it gave me a chance to think. A lot had happened in the first hour of being in this place. I wasn't prepared for it. I probably should've focused on Harry or that other guy Annabeth just spoke to, but for some strange reason I focused on London's question.

It was supposed to be an intervention, wasn't it? I suppose now that it was off it was an excuse for the others to hang out.

The two were smiling big before West noticed us. I had to admit he was good looking. With those shining bronze eyes and windswept sandy hair, he was the exact opposite of that other guy.

"That boy totally likes you." Annabeth jumped as Shana teased now that West had left. Her face turned a little red as she realized they had caught her.

"Most definitely." I nodded in full agreement. If possible, her face seemed to get redder.

"Shut up, Beautiful."

I pouted, suddenly feeling the same as her. "You think I'm beautiful?"

The rest of the day was, thankfully, a typical first day. I got my own locker after the incident, found the hall and cafeteria and attended my classes. Every teacher felt an obligation to introduce me but after that morning, I was okay with it.

London waited for me as I got done with my locker. I'm sure Bran was waiting for her outside but she didn't seem to care.

"So, as far as first day's go, how was it?" She finally asked, leaning against the lockers.

"Well, thankfully okay considering what happened this morning." Speaking of which, I wondered if my dad would be involved with that...

"Yeah... Unfortunately that's a bit common now." London seemed to get lost in the lights as she spoke. "People are drawn to him for some reason. Like what happened to him made him rich or something."

I slammed my locker shut and inhaled. "I don't mean to be nosy but it kind of seems like everyone is just waiting. You know, waiting for-"

"Him to react? I know." London finished. She took a quick glance around to make sure no one was around. "It's the secrecy around it. Everybody knows something bad happened, three people died, but no one knows exactly what.

"That's why they watch him so closely.  Whether it's to gossip or actually help him, I don't know. But..." She paused but she took one look at me and continued. "I shouldn't tell you this, because you shouldn't get wrapped up in it, but Harry did react a few days ago. I guess it just made everything worse."

He did? I immediately began to wonder what he did. Maybe attacked someone or-

"Oh, you mean the pharmacy that Bran was talking about." I felt stupid for thinking it was something else but she shook her head.

"His girlfriend tried getting something out of him. She pushed too hard, everyone could see that, but she was trying to help." London sighed, clearly remembering what happened. "He broke up with her in spectacular fashion."

"Wait, he had a girlfriend?" I had spent all this time thinking about possible love interests I hadn't thought, you know, he actually had one. "What about Annabeth then?"

She waved and shook her head. "They're just friends. Nothing more. Wait, do you have a thing for..."

My being felt hot as she looked at me. I felt like I had somehow walked myself into a corner. I should've just told her about what happened at the beach. I should've just said yes, I was mildly interested but instead...

"Doesn't matter." She continued anyways, though it seemed like it clearly did. "Just be careful. One thing about Harry, he'll do the exact same thing to you if he feels like you like him for the wrong reasons."

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