Day 15|I

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I handed in my paper and walked out.

I wasn't too worried about it, it was just an English essay which I prepared myself for. Thankfully, the week had been peaceful enough so come Wednesday I had prepared myself. You may think it's just an essay but I wasn't about to take any test for granted.

I made my way to my locker for my bag, the school being completely empty. The afternoon glow elongated the shadows. As far as I knew only a few teachers and our class were still on premises.

I shoved the books I needed into my bag, making sure to get the ones I'll need for homework and studying later on. My hand wrapped around the handle and slammed the locker shut.


I whirled, pressing my back against the locker when I came face to face with Harry. My heart went from racing to absolute shock. I hadn't expected him to be at the school, he had no reason to and yet there he was in front of me.

His hand pressed against the locker, right beside my head as he leaned closer. His hair tickled my face as his eyes studied my features. None of which helped my shocked self. His other hand rested slowly on my hip, taking a firm grip as if to say 'stay put' . I didn't mind it at all. His Adam's apple bobbed as I subconsciously gulped with him. The hand beside my head left the locker, trailing fingertips across my cheek, down unto my jawline. I tilted my head higher for him, the action coming naturally. His jaw squared as if he was stifling something. Perhaps a moan. His fingers slowly walked along my jaw up till my chin, then went down. A shock went through my body as he traveled down my throat. Then his hand wrapped around my throat.

"Alice." I blinked to see Harry actually a inch away from me, his nose almost touching mine.

What... Honey, relax. You can't be fantasizing in public like that.

I swallowed in reality and realized he was still waiting for an answer.

Too close to actually nod, I managed. "Yeah. Yeah I'm, I'm alright."

His expression didn't seem to change all that much so it was hard to tell if he was satisfied with the answer. He scanned my face as if looking for something that contradicted the statement.

Up this close I finally got to see his eyes clearly. The ones that were fractured yet alight but now I realized something else. They seemed to be changing, if possible, unable to decide one colour. I studied them, looking for a pattern.

I quickly realized he had stopped scanning and was now in a staring contest with me. He had caught me. His eyes seemed to dilate.

"So, why are you here?" I tried again, my back still pressed against my locker. He stepped back and blinked a few times as if in a trance.

He looked good that day in a dark brown sweater and a similar shaded pants in dirty black Levi's. He definitely knew how to dress even if it did come off as dirty. The dark colours made his hair pop as if it were the only light part of him.

"I had a meeting with Mr Victor so I stayed. What are you doing here?" He finally answered, his right foot nervously tapping in a strange pattern.

I nodded, deciding not to question what said meeting was about. It could've been about anything honestly.

"I just finished my essay and grabbed a few things I'll need later." I answered similarly. He nodded and looked around.

I did too and it occurred to me once again that the school was empty. We'll most likely not see another person for a good ten minutes. Just him and I.

We caught each other's gaze again and this time I could clearly see he was nervous. I don't know why but this sparked something in me.

"Are you nervous, Mr Malakai?" I asked innocently, a grin apparent.

He looked up to the ceiling as if to escape but when he brought his gaze down, I saw that he was biting his lower lip. "Among other things, yes."

Other thi- Ohhhhh. An idea formed.

"What was that thing you did in my room again?" I whispered, pretending to have forgotten. Honestly, that statement right there made it seem like we did way more in my room.

He seemed confused as if he wasn't sure what I was referring to. There were a few things to choose from so I could understand that but for the sake of my idea I didn't want him to grasp it.

"Oh yeah! It was something like this, " My voice remained a whisper as I placed my hand on his chest, right over his racing heart. His eyes followed it, remembering. ", right?"

He was still, seemingly deciding what to do. I assumed he would put his hand over mine like that night. Instead his hand snaked behind my head and cupped the back of my neck. My eyes widened when he started pulling at the little baby hairs there, a shrill of electricity that made my hand fist his clothes.

"I," My voice sounded funny even to my ears. ", don't remember this part."

I began to slightly pull as the electricity took its effect on my body. We slowly began walking until my back was pressed against the lockers once more and I was staring up at him. His pupils were dilated and his breaths heavy. I wasn't any different.

Then he leaned in until his hot breath fanned my neck. There was a slight grunt as my grip tightened on him in response.

"Just a little something for our fantasies." He whispered before pulling away.

I was about to ask why when I heard voices. I turned to see some students walking with Shana, complaining about how dry the essay topics were. When I turned back to look for Harry, the entrance doors shut and he was already gone.

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