Day 20|I

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Seriously, buckle up. Easily the longest chapter with 1965 words. A lot happens. Enjoy<3.

Did I go to bed with a smile and warmth pressed on my chest? Yes. Did I also have fantasies of Harry actually liking me until I fell asleep? Yes.

Emily and I slept like depressed teenagers until my mother woke us up, an hour before Harry's dad arrived to pick her up.

Initially I was against having her come and stay. I thought it would ruin my chances with Harry and he'd just see it as a ploy to get closer to him. Also you kinda don't want to meet the sister of your potential boyfriend by babysitting her but Emily was cool. She didn't freak out and I think she had a good time. By being me and not the nosy part that wants to know more of Harry, I had a good time and got to learn something about him.

I'm not like the others. I've only know Harry for maybe two weeks. Three? I did want to know more about him. What he was like before it happened, his interests, the way he thinks. Unlike everyone else, I didn't know him for years. It felt like a disadvantage but I was willing to let it be especially since everything was going fine so far.

Mom and dad weren't talking to each other ever since Harry came over. I was tempted to ask him what he said to my dad, because I definitely wasn't going to get anything from my dad, but I doubted he'd tell me anyways. I wasn't particularly worried though. I think dad had something going on but until he admitted it to mom then it was silent treatment. One thing I knew was that it was about Harry.

When the familiar rumble shook the house, I got excited. It seems that's how it always starts whenever I see that car. That or disappointment which I felt when it was Harry's father and not him. Then that disappointment turned to content as I watched Emily interact with him.

Mr Malakai didn't look bad at all. In which I mean he looked normal, not hot or anything. He did have bags under his eyes but considering what he was doing that weekend, he looked good.

Besides what was going on between them, both my parents were there to see her off.

"Thank you for watching her. I really appreciate it." He spoke so easily. I couldn't help but wonder if this was how Harry was before. Then I wondered if that would matter since I'd fallen for a boy who wasn't anything like that to begin with.

Then he looked at me and the connection was undeniable. Every Malakai had that effect on me apparently but Harry's dwelled deep into me.

"And thank you, Alice, for taking care of my girl."

That Monday I was ready for school, already tired of the tension in the house. Unfortunately that also meant dealing with drama. Per usual.

Shana phoned the day before once again just to talk after another update of what was happening. One thing was for certain, it was going to be interesting.

On the brighter side, I realized that I officially had more friends than I did in Charringfall. I knew and talked to a lot of people, sure but when it came to friends the only real one I had was Célia. Now I had Annabeth and Shana at the least. Célia still hadn't responded to my messages though I was sure she knew of everything. The shooting had been on the news for a day or two.

Someone slung an arm around my hip and pulled me closer. My heart throbbed as Shana smiled. "Tell me everything."

The approach of the cold season had taken a break that day which meant it was sweltering. Mom always said that it meant a storm was close. When the winds disappeared with the moon and the heat beat down on the Earth. That explained the tight white crop top and shorts Shana wore, the color making her skin pop. My eyes found the stud in her nose that was always there.

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