Day 5|VI

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In a matter of seconds he was gone.

Damn boy. Damn boy and his hotness. Damn boy and his vagueness. Damn him. But, instead of anger, all I felt was intrigue and strangely, affection that crushed me.

I was a terrible person. Instead of breaking up with my boyfriend, that I may or may not even have liked, I left and there I was. Flirting with and fantasizing about a mysterious boy I punched. Was this technically cheating?

I inwardly cringed. If it wasn't cheating it damn well was close enough.

I was a bad person. Becket wasn't a bad guy and though I wondered what he was doing that night with Hannah at that party, his never done anything majorly bad to hurt me. Yeah we've had some bad arguments but he still didn't deserve to be dumped with a country between us.

So what was it then? Putting aside how I left things, what was it about this brown haired, bruised, rough boy that made me crazy? I can tell you exactly what.

It was the vibe, the one he gave off. He looked strong, tough, but I couldn't help but get the sense that he's (for lack of a better word) delicate. Hard to touch. Maybe this mysterious thing was his way of keeping his bubble.

"Are you okay?" My head whipped as somehow Chief Naomi had appeared next to me without me noticing. I nodded, bringing myself out of my stupor.

"Your father is just about done. I figured I'd come get you so we can sneak out while no ones out." I smiled, grateful for her understanding. She must've seen that something was off though.

"I know it's hard. Moving to another town, starting over, it's never easy. No matter what they say." She offered me a sympathetic smile and gestured vaguely outside. "This place is a new beginning. Whatever you left behind in Charringfall, it's not exactly gonna follow you here. Leave it in the past."

Leave it? Was it really that simple? Then again it's not like most people would make the journey just to confront me. Then again I felt guilty because I didn't leave it properly.

Was I capable of falling for another guy? I guess this is why so many guys are skeptical of girls.

As we made our way down the opposite stairway, Chief Naomi explained what else the school held. The bits I most likely won't see until my first day. Somewhere there was a hall, cafeteria and accompanying garden.

When we eventually made it back to the challenger, my father was already leaning against his side on his phone. When he saw me , he smiled.

"All registered up." He explained. "Principal Theodore said he'd phone a.s.a.p so you could start attending class. Also that he will arrange for a guide."

A guide? I nodded and we climbed in, continuing on our tour.

That night, after a call with my mother, I laid on my bed checking Instagram. It was the first time I'd actually gotten on the app since my arrival.

I had a few more DMs than usual. I saw that it was from Erin, Célia and Dorian. And Becket. I could guess it was about me moving or something along those lines. I wanted to click on the chats but I had to remind myself that if I did they'd be able to see that I read the messages.

Instead I clicked on their profiles. Except for Célia, they all had stories but I knew not to view them. Instead I focused on Erin's profile. She had recently posted a picture with Priscilla and tagged her.

They stood in Priscilla's kitchen, posing and laughing. The caption was simple, just the word 'tonight' and a text heart(<3) next to it. The date read the previous Friday.

I remembered Erin's messages about something happening at the party. At the time it was the last thing on my mind but as I clicked on Priscilla's account, it was much on the forefront.

Her profile was full of pictures of her party, being tagged in every one for the world to know 'this is what happens when Priscilla holds a party'.

And it was there, on the seventh picture, that I found out my boyfriend had cheated on me.

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