Day 22|II

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Jessica and I pushed our way outside and through the crowd that had gathered in a loose circle. When we finally got to the front, I stopped dead in my track.

Bran looked to be close to foaming as he launched himself at Harry, the shouts and jeers of students almost deafening. Harry kept sidestepping and dodging as London tried to shout her way to Bran, probably to explain. It was so loud but I began to wonder if that was the students. Or was that the impact of what was happening in front of me.

My friends and people they knew stood along the front, watching. I saw West and his soccer friends, Jessica and her friends, as well as our group but no one seemed to be jumping in. I grabbed Annabeth to get her attention.

"Shouldn't we do something?" I shouted into her ear but she didn't take her eyes off the fight.

"Relax! Harry's got it under control. We just have to wait until Bran has calmed down!" She explained and I saw that she was right.

Bran was lunging and being pushed back. Harry seemed to be moving oddly, keeping himself between Bran and London. He also seemed to be shouting at London too, promising not to rough him up if she stayed back.

"You knew I liked her!" Bran howled as he threw a punch which Harry narrowly dodged, grabbing his arm and pushing his face so he couldn't do anything else but scream. "What kind of friend are you? Trying to steal her away from me!"

"Bran please!" London cried as he thrashed. Harry used his restraining technique to push him to the ground where he planted a foot in Bran's back, sending him rolling. "Harry! You said you wouldn't hurt him."

Harry, who was now talking more than the entire time I'd known him, turned to London. "I'm trying London but-"

It was a mistake. Bran had recovered quickly, probably because Harry wasn't trying to hurt him. He sprung up and sprinted, tackling a Harry that was busy assuring London. My eyes widened as they both fell and Harry's head knocked against the stone bench. A sickening crack rang out, piercing through all the noise.

The silent world rang in my ears as Annabeth and West rushed forward, almost in slow-mo. Bran stared with a horrifying expression, stuck on top of Harry. London shoved him off and screamed Harry's name over and over, tears streaming. The sound was weird, echoing almost like we were in a dream.

West and Annabeth finally arrived as if they'd ran across the school's field and not just a few feet away. West immediately jumped Bran and dragged him away who was too busy gawking at what he'd done. Annabeth rushed to Harry's side and shouted his name over and over too. Even from where I was standing I could see his eyes were closed. He was so still.

Annabeth furiously brushed his long blonde hair out of his face as if it would help. Her hand went to the back of his head, probably to lift it, but she paused. When she drew her hand back, her fingertips were tainted red. She pressed her forehead against his as tears fell onto his face, begging him to wake up.

He eyes snapped open. Dread settled deep within me. His eyes were the same. Devoid of light. His expression was nothing. Emotionless.

Annabeth began to smile but it was too soon. Harry sat up, shrugging her off. He stood, throwing his jacket like it was suffocating him. His arms were bigger than I expected. His shoulders wider and well defined.

His eyes locked on Bran. No expression. The silence had moved from my ears into reality yet there was still a ringing. In a blink, Harry's hand wrapped around Bran's throat. He let loose a shout as he pushed him back, slamming him into a glass pane.

Cracks spread from behind Bran. His feet dangled in the air. Harry's grip tightened as he fought back. His expression was fierce, hell-bent.

West grabbed the arm choking Bran in an attempt to pull it away. His teammates rushed forward to grab a limb of their own but it was no use. Four v one was not enough.

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