Day 1|I

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There are very few instances in my life where decisions had major impacts. Like the time when I lost my first kiss to a boy I wasn't even dating and instantly regretted it. Or this other time I almost lost Célia because of a fight we had (obviously about you know who). There were a few other times too but none more so life changing then that sit down with my parents.

"I don't understand. I thought everything was fine at the firm?" I questioned my father in particular.

My mother reached out to hold my hand and I allowed it. "Everything is alright, sweetheart. It's just that this firm asked for your dad specifically."

"It's a firm that works for the local precinct as well as the general public. They said they need my help a.s.a.p since the backlog of cases is beginning to pile up." My dad carefully explained. "From my understanding, there are more cases incoming than outgoing."

"Where?" Was all I could think of.

"Ridgeway, Kenyan." My mother answered. My geography wasn't that good but I knew where Kenyan was.

"That's, quite literally, on the other side of the country!" My dad slightly shifted his gaze to other objects in the room. "So wait what are you actually telling me here, Mom? Dad?"

Dad refocused on me and, for a split second, I didn't feel like his daughter but a cross examined witness. "We're telling you that you have a choice."

"We've already spoken with Zayne and agreed that he could stay here by himself." I opened my mouth but Dad wasn't finished as he held a hand up. "If he were to come with us then he'd lose his internship as there isn't space for him by the firm I'll be working by."

"But obviously this leaves you with a choice." My mom continued. "Your father and I will be going. Not immediately after one another but we'll both end up in Ridgeway. If you'd like to stay with Zayne then you can, but you also have the option of coming with us."

"I don't know..." I ran my hands through my hair. "It feels like I'd be leaving my entire life behind. And what of school and the colleges I applied to?"

"As I understand it," My Mom began. ", your number one choice is closer to Ridgeway anyways. Plus, school only began a month ago and you've practically done no assignments."

Saint Cli was number one on my list of colleges I wanted to attend. It was a lowkey, highly successful college centered around, you guessed it, writing. Ever since I found out about it, I wanted to attend it and I spent the entirety of last year writing a book for my submission.

"I know you need to think about it," My dad leaned forward, interlacing his fingers. ", but, in my opinion, I think you should-"

He grounded to a halt as Célia made her sleepy butt downstairs and to the kitchen, clearly unaware of what was happening. I was about to suggest she go back upstairs when I turned around to see that my parents had, once again, relaxed themselves.

The conversation was over. For now.

My father and mother left soon after, heading out for shopping or lunch or whatever adults do when they leave their kids at home.

I didn't tell Célia, not yet at least. I wanted to talk to Zanye first. Seeing as my parents already decided he could stay and live on his own, I could deduce that he already knew what was happening. I wondered how he felt about it.

I also wondered what my Dad was about to suggest. Was he suggesting I leave with them? Or stay here with my brother? We weren't completely crazy. Zayne partied more than I did and that was already once in maybe three months. So that ruled out being worried about what we catch up on yet I had a feeling my Dad was suggesting the former rather than the latter.

I made my way downstairs again. The only two rooms on the top floor were mine and my parents, along with the bathroom. Downstairs was Zayne's (his own bathroom too), study and below that the basement.

I crept to his room and found the door slightly ajar. I poked my head to see my brother spread out across his bed almost exactly like Célia. I suppose he must've had a rough night, seeing that he was in his clothes from the night before.

I let myself in and promptly kicked his foot. He jolted and sat up before his eyes fully opened. When they did though he visibly gulped. I didn't blame him, he knew how, uh, upset I could get.

He rolled onto his back and prompted himself up on his arms. "Wait, let me guess. Mom and Dad told you about them moving?"

I nodded, still glaring with my arms crossed.

"So why are you angry with me?" He continued.

"Zayne!" I abruptly stopped, remembering that a certain friend that I hadn't told was upstairs. Quietly, I continued. "How could you not tell me? Dad and Mom obviously want me to go with them while you stay here."

He sat up fully and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. "Look, in my opinion, I don't see why you'd stay here. This is the real world, Sis'. You lose people, gain people, lose and repeat."

"How could you say that?" I gawked at him. He shrugged.

"Easily. I thought your dream was Saint Cli?" He caught me there. "If you're planning to go there in the end you'd lose some of your friends, wouldn't you? So why not go a bit earlier and start a life there? Make friends and etc now? Then you won't have to start completely over when you get to Saint Cli."

Once more he'd gotten me there. Before I could think of a response hands, from behind, pushed me roughly towards my brother.

I whirled around to see Célia, with tear streaks down her face, glaring at me. "You're leaving Charringfall?"

Her Road|Book 2|Where stories live. Discover now