Day 5|VII

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I stared at the picture. It was a group picture in Priscilla's living room while others danced and chilled on the sofa. In the background, Hannah sat on Becket's lap, her fingers running on his jaw. The picture caught them in the act, most probably right before they kissed.

I continued to stare. At first I was...relieved. I didn't feel so guilty anymore. It was just flirting, but the more I stared that insane relief turned sour.

Isn't that how that normally works? You're okay with it because it sets you free but when you realize what exactly is setting you free, you get angry. Upset.

Becket had no idea I would leave. Not at least till Monday so for him to be sucking face with Hannah had nothing to do with me leaving and abandoning him.

Could our relationship really have been nothing? I left without talking to him, not really feeling the need to sit him down but could this be something else? Had my weird, foreshadowing feeling that Friday made him want Hannah?

I considered breaking this sort of hiatus that I put myself in and messaging Priscilla. It would surely help to have friends back home to give me the scoop. Had this been a in-the-moment thing or has it happened for sometime..? My mind flitted briefly to Hannah flirting to him after my game.

I threw my phone on the bed. Frustrated, heated, slightly sad. My eyes searched for something familiar in the new surroundings, only finding the box that my father placed up against the wall.

My mom had sent trucks with boxes of clothes and mementos the day we arrived and they'd finally made it. It reminded me that she'd be near me soon.

My eyes left it and focused on the bathroom door. A picture of him replaced my scattered thoughts. I didn't know what it was about him. After talking to him once (technically twice now) I'd concluded it wasn't just physical. There was something about him that drew me in, suffocated me softly.

That being said I still had to change when I came home.

I moved to bathroom, making sure to close the door and stand in front of the mirror.

I looked like a complete mess. I was still in my two day old clothes, creased. My hair, well some of it, was in a loose bun with a good chunk still hanging on my shoulders. My ebony eyes were slightly darker from the position of the lighting.

I rubbed my face with my hands as if to fix something then smiled. Love sick puppy, I jokingly scolded my sick
My eyes focused on the shower.

Well it isn't all that bad, huh? At least he isn't some killer.


An ending to part 1. I'm so excited to put Alice back in school with all of Ridgeway's drama!

Comment down below if you like this mysterious guy, what you think of the book so far and predictions! Don't be afraid to vote too.


Alice Hadley's Aesthetic board!! My first board and I plan to do way way more for this book

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Alice Hadley's Aesthetic board!! My first board and I plan to do way way more for this book. Who should I do next?

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