Day 4|II

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We don't sleep for long as my dad wakes me up at eight, as his about to leave, to give me a talk.

I find him busy gathering his things together and double checking everything. Which is strange since we literally packed all our belongs (hypothetically) into three bags. So I assumed it was the nerves making him check.

"Listen, Alice," He finally addressed me. He looked exceptionally sharp in his suit, clearly keen on making his dent in Ridgeway. "This is a new town, a new environment so there's got to be some rules, okay?"

I nodded, still half asleep. He held my eyes for a few moments then went on.

"Stay inside. I don't know what area we are in and it just might be dangerous, okay?" He stared at me, and when it was clear I didn't hear the last bit, he repeated. "Okay? Also try and do research at a school here. I don't want you sitting out too long in this important year."

After a few more checks he left and I returned to bed. I got up again at eleven, my stomach grumbling. Unfortunately, the fridge was still empty and it's not like I could go outside. I messaged my father only for him to reply that if he could sneak away in an hour or so he'd bring something. Otherwise I'd have to order.

I opened my laptop and searched up schools in Ridgeway. There wasn't many nearby except for one, Moirai Secondary School. I was never so good with greek mythology but I was pretty sure it was something greek.

A quick google search told me Moirai was the greek name for the three fates. Supposedly they've always been old. That kinda explained the school's motto: where 'fates were decided'. The past tense though made it sound creepy.

It was an okay school from what the website told me. Football, soccer, etc. And it had good grades, an important aspect my parents would like to know. Though there wasn't even a school in the town for miles besides this one.

After a while I got bored and instead turned to Ridgeway as a whole. I wanted to know what the town was without what we already know, without the reason we came here. But there was nothing special about Ridgeway. It was just another town much like the rest, with its crime and with its good parts as well. Just like any other city. It wasn't unique at all.

While watching CNN played in the background. The sky was grey and the rain still pattered, mixing surprisingly well with the noise of the reporter.

"Ridgeway county has decided that, what citizens call, the wight murder was self defense." The reported perked up. Somehow his voice seemed to get louder. "Saturday saw one of the town's remarkable scenes when a house robbery turned into a triple homicide. The victim, and alleged killer, Harry Malakai, was suddenly infamous over night as many blamed him or his father what happened. We have more from Ridgeway, Rosemary."

A woman appeared, apparently somewhere in the town to comment on further developments but I wasn't paying attention. Three murders... House robbery. The case that extended our deadline. And now I had a name, Harry Malakai.

At three the boredom hit peak. I was tired of this unfamiliar and, strangely, uncomfortable environment. My dad ordered more pizza but I after my first slice, I lost my appetite. Memories of my last happy moment in Charringfall ruined that.

I grew tired at staring at pizza and the TV and instead focused on the door. I gambled with the idea of taking a walk to the beach to clear my head. It was still light out, though a bit grey. I was sure nothing would happen. And was there any better way to familiarize yourself with a new environment than getting to know it's streets?

I threw my hoodie in the tumble dryer before I left. I would've preferred using another hoodie but I didn't have one available.

Ridgeway was a mixture of modern and old fashion houses. Townhouses or stylish apartments gave way to Victorian houses and vice versa. There wasn't much alleyways so I didn't have to worry about walking into the wrong one.

I carried my shoes in one hand as I dipped my feet into the sand. It was unsurprisingly cold but distracting enough. I walked endlessly without direction. Eventually the beach gave way to rocks and a cove.

In the distance I could see people sitting on the rocks, smoking and laughing. It seemed like a weird place to hangout but teenagers hung out everywhere these days so I didn't think much of it and continued walking.

A hand grabbed, abruptly stopping me. I'll admit, I panicked. I twisted and punched the person who stopped me.

"Jesus!" He hissed and wild eyes met mine.


It's been a rough few days but I finally got to finish this chapter. It was all good in the end as a lot of these ideas would've came way after I usually update.

Hit that star if you enjoyed this chapter.

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