Day 20|II

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I was regretting it more and more with each passing second.

It was just worse with the storm raging through my mind. Why'd he have to go? Where did he take her? Why did I have to tell me to apologize? Why did you she have to be so gorgeous and his ex? What if he took her to a special spot where he apologized and she suddenly kissed him because of emotions? Then they had hot makeup sex and I wasn't even an option to him anymore.

The only thing in my mind that didn't change at all was that it was the right thing to do. I know I wasn't the most moral person (I abandoned my childhood best friend without so much as a goodbye. I ran across the country without even breaking up with my boyfriend. I even at a point ignored their calls.) but this was right. Whether Harry and I actually got together at the end of the day, I was going to make him do it and if he said no... Well then I guess that's what you call a red flag.

It also didn't help that the entire group had taken to blowing up my phone.

Shana😩❤️: What the HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL? Did you really just do that? Wow!!! 👀👀🤣

London<3🙈: Are you okay? What just happened?

Way to put Harry in his place

And of course, Annabeth.

Annabeth: See you after school, hot stuff.

The only person that didn't message me was Cass but that wasn't surprising. Cass couldn't care less about drama if it didn't benefit her in any sort of way. She probably enjoyed the show from a seat and decided she didn't need to look for fan theories.

And yes, it kept getting better.

As I made my way up to the IT labs and Art studios, I couldn't help but notice a lime car pulling out of the parking.

He actually got his car back and they were only leaving now?

I was grateful for the long lectures, school work and double periods as it distracted me. Unfortunately, the universe decided that that would be the day when school would pass by quick.

I was expecting almost everyone to be around the lockers but, strangely, there wasn't anyone. That was fine by me. I wasn't really in the mood to explain why and how and whatever else. I just wanted to get home and drown myself in physics which is a valid reason to feel crap. Well, more valid.

I turned to make my way to presumably my mom waiting outside when, "Whoa there, hot stuff."

Annabeth appeared behind me and I suddenly remembered her earlier message.

"Hey Annabeth. What's up?" I ask, almost feeling the mammoth of questions coming my way.

"You got some time on you?" She shouldered her bag and fell in step with me as we walked out of school.

"Not really. I'm heading home to finish some work." I tried but she didn't seem fazed at all.

"Oh. Nah that's good. I'll just come home with you." Yep, definitely not fazed. "I already told my dad I'll be driving with you. So let's go home and chat, hot stuff."


Apparently she saw my expression because a small smile flashed my way. "Relax. I'll be quick then you can study and do your stuff in peace."

It didn't seem like I had much choice anyways. "Let's go. My mom's waiting."

My mom had taken the car that day seeing as it was her turn to pick me up. It was a weird setup but with the shooting scare, they weren't okay with walking home even though it's close enough. She did say she was gonna ask some of the other parents for when they couldn't fetch me which made not having a license besides me being legal annoying.

Her Road|Book 2|Where stories live. Discover now