Day 4|I

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Different Ridgeway to what you'll use too 🙃


Day 4|I

It was a little passed midnight on the last stretch when I spotted it.

I'd fallen asleep during the second and third stretch, but on the final one we both started feeling that antsy adrenaline start flowing the nearer we got. My father spotted the first sign and I the second.

"Looks like we're close." He smiled. The sign was an traditional Welcome to sign, blue font on a faded white.

I subconsciously sat up straight. We were finally here. During my naps and stops, my father explained that the mayor of Ridgeway owned a few townhouses around and was happy to lend one for, what they called my dad, their savior. My excitement was now evident at this mysterious town. Then I saw the second sign.

"I can," I swallowed, my mouth suddenly dry. ", I can see why they need you now."

The sign wasn't even a sign. It was a billboard which probably belong to one of the establishments or something. Except it had been completely defaced. Spray painted on top of a black backdrop was the words 'Our Ridgeway' in crimson. The billboard was barely lit so from a distance it looked like the words floated in the sky, especially after dark.

Ours eyes connected for a solid second before returning to our new surroundings.

"Yep, we're here alright." Her grumbled and offered a comforting smile. I didn't get the memo of it.

The town or city (I wasn't sure) was well lit or usually. Except now the few dark omens peppering the sky diluted the place. We drove past diners, old and new houses, massive apartment buildings. We made a few more turns as we made our way to what would be home and I got my first view of the beach.

Peoples dotted here and there, clearing out as the rain began to come down, but that wasn't what caught my eye. The sea, a milky mix of terrible moonlight and grey as it remained calm under the changing weather.

"Wow, not bad." My head whipped from the sea to the house we stopped at. My dad wasn't lying. It wasn't bad at all.

It was hard to grasp every detail at one in the morning but it was gorgeous. Shades of grey and white wooden pallets decorated the walls. One window ran lengthwise giving a glimpse of sleek staircase. Soft light flooded the patio and the front door which I noticed had a navy number 3 pinned to the middle.

My dad opened the mailbox and took out a black envelope. I inwardly giggled. What's next, the person is gonna sign off with an initial? Probably X. Except the was no letter but a key that fell into my dad's hand when he tipped it.

Inside was even grander. White marble floor glistened under the artificial light. Immediately to our left a staircase ran up to the second floor, two large pieces of glass acting as a handle.

My father made his rounds of the house, making sure everything is locked and secure. And I deftly followed, ogling at everything.

The passageway from the door led to a dining room and kitchen area. A glaas table that was big enough for four and opposite to that a standalone island with a white countertop.

In my opinion, there was too much neutrality. The marble flooring, the white furniture coupled with the transparency that the glass offered meant that the only natural colour in the place was... Was, well, me. The most colourful thing I had seen so far was the number on the door and the envelope.

Another thing that bothered me was the backyard. One of the walls gave way for a sliding door which showed off the patio and tiny yard. It was cute and all except that the beach was on the opposite side.

"So what you think?" My dad smiled as sipped from his water. There wasn't much in the fridge so we'd probably have to go to the shop tomorrow. Uh, later that day.

"It's not bad. It'll do. I haven't seen the bedrooms and bathroom yet but it'll do." I gave him a smile to reassure him. He put down his glass and moved to the sliding doors. He must've been exhausted, being up for almost an entire day.

"I meant Ridgeway." He rubbed his chin and cracked his neck. "I mean with all the talks and things, I was expecting-"

"Something different?" I finished for him. It was true. Ridgeway, for the most part, looked like a beautiful town near the coast. "It's not exactly the criminal mess you're used to."

"Yeah, you got that right. That sign we saw when we drove in was about the craziest thing I've ever seen." He laughed and turned towards me. I was shocked to see how excited he was and, even more so, how I mirrored him.

Ridgeway was already so different compared to Charringfall. It was already so different compared to anything I've ever seen.

And I was sure, when the sun eventually rose, it would get even crazier.


We have made it! Ta da!

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