Day 17|II

17 5 15

Mom took the guide so Emily and I were passengers. She showed her the kitchen and led her up the stairs to the bathroom and, eventually, my room.

I had made sure to take special care when cleaning it, the picture of Harry standing in here present in my mind. I made sure all the nooks were free of hastily kicked clothes and etc.

Now that I was walking beside her, I couldn't help but focus on what Annabeth had said. She really was a mirror image of Harry, at least on the outside. But the more mom went about the tour and how Emily responded was the biggest difference between her and her brother yet. She was shy, nervous even. She'd smile politely and nod, almost hesitant to actually talk but when she did it was short and clipped.

I soon realized why this big difference was so alluring to me. It was just like me. Just like my first day to Moirai, red faced and small smiles. Except she didn't stutter like a moron. It was almost like she was a Harry with a bit of me which I'd imagine our daughter would be like.

Whoa there, girl. Fantasizing about him is one thing, planning a family together was a whole other ball game.  At least he should say he likes me first.

"And that's it." My mom smiled brightly as she turned towards us. "Alice here will be taking care of you for the weekend so anything you need you can ask her. And yeah, enjoy yourself."

Again, Emily nodded. "Thank you."

Mom, seemingly understanding, nodded too. "Right, I should probably get down there before anything-"

Knock knock.

Harry stood in my doorway, watching us as his knuckles rested on the doorframe. I was a little shocked that he had actually came to my room. He looked like he always did, void and in control. Considering he had been with my dad the entire time (The prospect of him shouting and threatening Harry most definitely high) he looked good. Too good.

His eyes traveled to each of us, lingering on his sister before settling on my mother. "I'm off. Thanks again, Mrs Hadley."

She too was watching him but she offered a small smile. "No problem, hun. Your sister will be fine."

Then he did something I wasn't expecting: he walked over to his sister and hugged her. I don't know why it was so shocking or alien. I guess it was just the fact that I'd never seen him give affection to anyone. I wasn't sure if placing my hand over his heart was affection but this was more direct. The possibility of harshness dwindled.

They said nothing to each other, just holding each other before separating. They locked eyes for a few seconds before he turned away.

"May I get a moment with Alice please?" He asked, I think. It didn't sound like a question but he was certainly being polite.

Mom was hesitant but she couldn't refuse outright. It reminded me that this situation was quite volatile, ready to spill over at any moment. Just because he was away from my father didn't mean that risk was any smaller.

At last, she nodded. "Come Emily, let's get you something to drink. You can leave your things here."

"You're gonna take care of my sister, Stalker?" He whispered so no one would hear once everyone else was gone. He didn't so much as smile but seemed to be amused.

"Yes, Harry. Don't get my panties in a twist." My eyes widened when I realized what came out my mouth. He definitely was amused.

"Tell you what," His eyes scanned my face and exhaled, almost like something was pent up within. ", maybe I'll bring a pair of mine over next time. An exchange."

With the night free and Emily keeping to herself by my window, I decided to catch up on my journaling. I hadn't really written anything since Jace which is kind of ironic. You'd think that a situation like that would make keeping a diary a good thing. But I like to wait a few days before writing anything just to try and grasp everything. The immediate effect, the process and the revelation looking back at everything.

I also saw it as a sort of prayer. A lot of Christians just kneel or close their eyes and talk to God. I prefer writing everything down almost like it was to be my biography.

"You journal?" Emily's voice pierced through my thoughts, a book in her hand.

I nodded, looking down at the empty page. "Yeah, kinda my thing though I haven't done it in awhile."

"Can I see the cover?" She closed the book, apparently interested. A strange request but okay.

I closed my journal and showed her the cover. It was a sea aesthetic, with light blue and green top and bottom of the book cover. A solid white wave separated the two in the middle in which I had written every emotion I had experienced since buying it. It wasn't the first journal either just the current one.

Emily scanned it as I held it up. She nodded and grabbed her book again. "Nice cover. Harry's is always so simple, just a bound black book like those old novels."

So Harry writes too? Guess he didn't relinquish the reader in him after all.

"Do you write? In journals I mean?" I instead asked.

She shrugged, staring distantly into her book. "Not really. I have one too but I barely write in it. Not much to put down in."

I wondered if she meant it to be taken as it is. I guess one could see it like that but instead, I wondered if she was talking about that night. Maybe unlike her mother and brother, she didn't remember anything at all.

I nodded, accepting the answer. I turned back to my book as she did hers. Maybe they weren't mirrors of each other at all.

What's your opinion on journaling? And be on the lookout for 1000+ chapters as we get really busy! I can't wait.

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