Day 38|II

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Drops fell onto my arm. I numbly looked down to see the crimson dots on my arm. My cheek stung as I gingerly raised my fingers to it. Shards of glass littered the console and floor of the car.

A bullet had pierced the back and front window, passing straight through the middle. It must've been this moment where a shard of glass or the bullet itself nipped my cheek. But I was so numb and over sensitive too everything that I couldn't even gather all of that until much later.

But more drops appeared on the console but they weren't from me. When I raised my eyes to Harry, that's when I knew that this was real fear.

Harry's right cheek was covered in blood, a cut from a shard too but it was his eyes though. Somehow they were empty. Dark but also alight. They weren't the same but numb, almost... Almost evil.

My body pitched forward, the seat belt burning against my skin as it desperately saved me from pitching out the window. If I thought the sound of bullets being fired was awful then metal crunching was right up there.

The back of Harry's car slammed into the front of the Lexus as he brake checked them. The car violently shook as the Lexus pushed and Harry threw it into third to pull away. Out the corner of my eye the guy shooting at us was desperately clawing at the car for any hand hold, the gun nowhere to be seen.

In the few seconds of chaos, Harry put clear night-light between the two cars. His hair flew wildly as wind gushed from the broken windows. My body shook as I desperately held onto anything, the wind tearing into my tear streaked cheeks.

For another second I was completely blind. It dissipated for a second to reveal another car (Too fast to see the color or make) speeding towards us, making it three vehicles on the lone road.

I thought for a minute that maybe, just maybe, it was a random car. Maybe they were gonna help but the vehicle quickly swerved into oncoming, our lane.

I looked at Harry as he didn't let up a bit. The Lexus behind had recovered as well and was pulling on us again though they still didn't have their gun.

"Harry!" I finally screamed. I wasn't sure what I was looking for. Maybe some comfort, maybe reassurance but Harry glared ahead, clearly occupied.

Obviously, looking back I understood. Our lives were in his hands and no matter how much of an emotional wreck I justifiably was, he had to save us first. Unfortunately it would take me days to realize all this.

"I've got you, Alice Hadley." He gritted his teeth as the car in front of us neared. I stared at him, unable to even comprehend what he was saying when a familiar thunder pierced the air.

We went weightless. Shards of glass floated peacefully, delicately with my hair. My eyes fluttered shut.

I didn't feel any impact. I had no idea if we had rolled nor how many times. What if we hit something while we rolled? It didn't matter, not to me. With my eyes shut, only warm, orange light fluttered through as I lost consciousness.

Author's Note
So short yet so sweet. After so many 1200+ word chapters, we finally returned to the short ones but the date is finally, officially over! ^_^

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