Day 8|I

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The beach day was absolutely miserable and wonderful.

The weather was grey and there definitely was a chill in the air yet it didn't seem to matter. The group along with West spread out along the beach.

Bran was still trying to flirt with London which I had heard was a daily thing. West was actually in that freezing water while Annabeth sat on a deck a bit away, watching. Meanwhile, Shana and London were with me.

It was calming, real. No drama, no secrets (unlike my entire time in this town). Though then again I had real friends back then but there was always...

Shana elbowed me and laughed as West called for Annabeth to join him, Shana and Cass wiggling their eyebrows.

That Monday I was actually ready for school. I had sorted out the books I had and what I'd have to do to catch up to the classes I already had. There were still a few I hadn't gone to yet but otherwise I was pretty much set.

What? Did you think just because I'm a horny teenage girl that I don't have an academic bone in my body? Stereotypes.

My dad was my ride to school that day. It wasn't coincidence either. Ever since that Friday evening he'd been finding the time to drill a message into to me. Stay away from Malakai. To him it wasn't a coincidence that an enraged mother showed up and he was sure that worse was to come. I didn't have the heart to tell him that all my friends were his friends so I just nodded and agreed.

The gang was apparently early, according to Annabeth at least. That's why we were sitting outside that morning. The same spot where Harry left.

I was starting to wonder what this was. Was this a normal crush? Or a celebrity level crush? You know the type of ones where you know it'll never happen so you fantasize. I mean thinking this much about a boy had to be unhealthy.

"London hates the cold." Annabeth continued. Apparently Bran was trying to figure out if London would like the ice rink, but he wasn't getting it just yet.

Annabeth was about to repeat herself when a roar mixed with a whine filled the air. The ground shook as a navy blue Hellcat pulled into the parking. Being around police cruisers all your life comes with the added benefit of telling the difference between Challengers and Hellcats.

Then Harry got out. I wasn't expecting it at all but it made sense. His car must still be damaged. The man in the driver seat looked a lot like him in some ways except he smiled more. I guess he was Harry's father.

My eyes followed the Hellcat as it whipped out of the parking and then slid to Harry as he nodded to Annabeth, and made his way inside.

He seemed more in control of himself...

Thank goodness, a normal day. At least I thought so. I was back to being an ordinary student, making noise with my friends and enjoying normality.

I had most of classes with my friends, luckily. Not all of them but I had Shana in English with London in math, etc. Thankfully, I only had one subject left (Health Courses) and I was sure that, like every other class, I wouldn't have Harry.

"Alice!" I whipped around to see Annabeth pacing to get to my side. "You got Health courses too?"

I smirked. "How'd you know that? Stalking me?"

She rolled her eyes and pointed in the direction we were walking. "Mr Victor's class is the only one here, dummy."

It was my turn to roll my eyes as we walked into class. My eyes immediately focused on the kid sitting behind the desk but he seemed familiar. I gasped as I finally remembered where I saw him.

"This is our teacher?" I asked, still pretty much shocked. Annabeth laughed and made her way to her desk.

The teacher who had helped the security guard last Friday smiled at me. He had a paper ball in his hand and his feet was propped up on his table. He proceeded to toss the ball in the trash can.

"Mr Victor," Annabeth interrupted my gawking. ", this is our new student, Alice Hadley."

"S'up. Sit wherever there's an open space." He was so easy going, what kind of wattpad book did this teacher crawl out of? His eyes flitted to the door.

There he was, always in the place I didn't want him to be. Why'd he have to look so annoyingly good in messy clothes? The universe was taunting me.

Doesn't matter what he wears, you still want to jump him, I taunted myself.

Harry made his way to me. Crap. Crap. Crap. I had to do something. I focused my attention on the chair next to Annabeth's.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" It was soft and I hated myself for that but it was meant for anyone. Stupid me should've guessed it was Harry's seat.

And then he was in front of me. By this time, my face was on fire. His eyes scanned me slowly, taking in almost every detail. What made it worse is that I had to look up at him and that took too much courage. His lucky I didn't just bail out the door or window.

His Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed. "Yeah, no problem."

Why did his voice had to sound like that? So throaty. Wait...Was I effecting him? Could I be making him...

The thought made my face somehow even hotter.

His eyes finally moved away from me and to the boy who was sitting next to my new desk. "Do you mind?"

The boy jumped, gathering his things and moving to the back in a few seconds. He watched me as he plopped down next to me.

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