Day 9|II

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Okay, I'll admit it, I fell asleep. I'm sorry! But did you see how long day 8 was? Cut me some slack.

My mind woke up before my eyes did. You know when you start hearing the world but you don't open your eyes or get up? I shifted though and immediately got annoyed as something was disturbing my perfect position.

I angrily slipped my hand under myself to pull whatever it was under me. Maybe it was the blanket, sometimes that happens. When I grabbed the material and pulled, I got even more annoyed. It was my top that I wore the day before.

Wait, what?

I don't know if I'm the only one but I hate going to bed in yesterday's clothes. Heck, I hate getting into bed without showering. Hell, I hate my day if I haven't showered twice, in the morning or evening. And the fact that I'd gotten into bed earlier was a testament to how crazy yesterday was.

Actually, hold up. When did I get in bed?

I pushed myself up. The first thing I realized was that the room was very bright and smelled weird. I couldn't put my nose on the smell but it was different. Last night sometime the window was closed, making the room stuffy but it wasn't normal. It smelled like boy.

My eyes widened when I saw why.

Harry sat on the floor, his back propped against my bed. The light streaking through the window hit him perfectly, highlighting the different shades of his hair. He looked as if he hadn't slept at all, just staring into the abyss unaware that I was staring at him.

I climbed on my stomach to where he was, leaning over him. He didn't even flinch when my hair fanned on his face.

I miscalculated. I don't know where all the bravery went but as soon as we locked eyes, I felt just how red my face was getting.

He stayed. I don't remember getting into bed which means he put me in bed too. God, did I fall asleep on him? 

I thought about asking him why he stayed? It was light out so I was sure someone would notice him sneaking out. Unfortunately the words wouldn't come out.

Knock, knock. "Alice?"

Crap, my brother.

My eyes locked with Harry's. He didn't seem to be panicking but I wasn't about to stop. "The closet!"

"Alice?" He called out again.

"Yeah?" I hoped he'd take my answer as I was awake and not come in but of course I couldn't be that lucky. Fortunately, Harry slipped in the closet as my brother entered.

He looked about ten times better than me. Probably because he didn't sleep at one that morning. That aside he looked nervous, his sweatpants moving constantly. 

He looked a lot like our father but with our mother's eyes. Those very eyes were everywhere but on me.

"I, uh, just wanted to see if you're awake." He finally began. His face twisted in confusion. "Not to, you know, talk about what happened."

If it weren't for Harry standing in my closet I would've been confused but I knew he was talking about how I left. After yesterday, it probably seemed unimportant which is good, strangely.

I nodded in mock understanding. I ran my hand through my messy hair. "I'll be down in a few, don't worry."

He too nodded, standing still for a few minutes. The expression was what bothered me. It was almost like he could sense the massive boy I'd stuck in my closet. I probably should've been embarrassed because Harry had access to my shirts, pants, shoes and underwear, but drastic times. What can I say?

"I'll...see you down there then." Zayne finally turned to leave. "Also, open a window. It smells weird in here."

When he closed the door, my head fell against the comforter allowing myself to breathe. This was too much for me, I decided. I moved towards the window, opening it.

Would I ever be able to look at this room the same again? Everything would remind me of him. The way he stood outside my window, how he stood as I got mad at him. Even the smell. Most boys give you their hoodie because it smells like them. Harry gave me a room.

I looked at the closet, wondering why he hadn't left yet. Was he waiting for me to tell him?

I climbed off and opened the closet to find him standing with my green underwear hanging off his pinky.

We looked at each other, my eyes wide and my face on fire. I did not expect him to dig through my underwear. Was he gonna take it?

"You, uhm," Crap, what do I say to something like that?

"Sorry." He apologized sheepishly, drawing his eyes back to the underwear. "When I saw it, I remembered something."

"Is your name Joe?" I asked, because that's what this reminded me of.

A strange noise came from the back of his throat. Chuckling. Harry was actually laughing. 

"Relax. I won't be taking it." His fingers delicately folded it and placed it back. "Your name isn't Natalie."

Confession: I was somewhat disappointed my name wasn't Natalie.

I looked away, trying to compose myself of the thoughts of what Joe did with that underwear. "I need some clothes. They're probably waiting for me downstairs."

He nodded like this made sense but didn't move.

Challenge accepted.

My closet wasn't massive by any means, just barely enough space for two people. But that didn't stop me from sliding in and getting some fresh clothes, including underwear. My arms knocked his chest as they grabbed things, my legs brushing his as I moved from side to side, my hands grazing his muscles. I quite liked this challenge and, because he was watching me, I made sure to grab the green underwear he was so fascinated with.

He stood in the doorway, blocking my exit. "I'll probably have to go now."

A feeling of disappointment blossomed in my chest. I suppose because he had stayed all night but so little was said. Still, now was the time to leave when everyone was concerned with me.

I nodded. He didn't touch me but held me in place with his gaze. "I'll see you soon though, Alice."

I bit the inside of my cheek at my name. This boy. I nodded and made my way pass him, heading to the shower with a smile on my face.

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