Day 21

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Every waking moment was slowly being consumed by him, only this time it was Annabeth"s warning. Gone were the sexy fantasies and doubts of how he felt. Now it was just Harry. I started over-analyzing everything he had done in my presence, looking for signs that I knew were there. I knew he had tore apart a pharmacy so I knew the anger was there but now I wanted to know where the anger was currently. There had been moments like when that lady smashed-


I whirled to find London staring at me. In an attempt to play it off, I smile. "London, baby. How can I help you today?"

She huffed, clearly not believing my bluff. "I've been calling you. You really didn't hear any of that?"

I shook my head. "You did? Why were you calling in the first place?"

"I wanted to talk about what happened." God dammit. She did seem genuinely concerned though. "What happened with you and Harry? Are you guys alright?

Were we alright? "Yeah, we're alright. How are things with you and Bran?"

Her green eyes swept around, almost like she was checking if he was around. "I don't know at this point. Things are kinda everywhere at the moment. He hasn't even spoken to me at all since then. I just can't believe he'd go on a date with Danny."

It occurred to me that I was probably the only one who hadn't spoken to London about what had happened. I was so wrapped up with Harry the day before that I forgot it was my turn to care for her.

"You know," I began with what I hoped was a sympathetic smile as we continued to our lockers. ", maybe it wasn't a date. Maybe he just realized that flirting with you everyday wasn't working so he tried something new."

She rolled her eyes, clearly irritated by the idea. "Could've found a better way honestly. That's just stupid."

I nodded and pulled her closer. "I said new, not great. Feelings, man. Feelings."

She looked like she would've agreed but suddenly her eyes widened. "Crap, his coming."

I looked in the direction we were walking and saw that she was indeed right. Bran was casually strolling toward us, an air around him and a smile on his face. Almost like he was about to do something that would make his day.

"Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap." London's hands tightened around me as he got closer. I was starting to understand why they haven't spoken. "What do I do?"

Picking up on her energy, I found myself whisper-shouting too. "I don't know! Talk to him."

Her blonde hair swept frantically around, looking for escape routes when her eyes lit up. "Promise not to hold a grudge."

A grudge? Before I could ask she let go of me and took off in the opposite direction. When my eyes followed her, I suddenly understood.

God was shining on him today. Literally. His back was towards the main entrance where snippets of light shone through almost outlining him. I noticed that (besides his baggy clothes) he seemed to be getting bigger. The way he styled his hair (or the lack of) made me think his hair was actually shorter than it really was. But those eyes, always alight, were trained on the ground uninterested in the world as London rushed towards him.

She quickly clung to his right arm like some sort of lovesick girl. Harry watched her with a perturbed look almost like he couldn't comprehend what was happening. Suddenly she pulled him down and stood on the tip of her toes to whisper something in his ear. The perturbed look disappeared.

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