Day 17|I

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I sat quietly on the stairs, waiting. Hidden.

My parents were downstairs in the living room, right beside me. They had just finished their argument where my mother had put her foot down.

"I can understand it. I really can," My father had began, incredibly agitated. ", but why them? Anyone was okay but the Malakai's!"

"Listen now, Grant." She hissed out, probably picking up on his agitation. ", I don't get your problem but it's not like the boy is coming here."

The boy...

"Still! If it's his family then he'll be around. He already," He took a deep breath, lowering his voice. ", he already put her life in danger twice."

A few counts passed. Then my mom replied. "It doesn't matter. If you didn't want to deal with the boy then you shouldn't have taken the job!"

"Now the daughter is coming and she will leave Sunday morning. I suggest you put your happy face on."

Now we all waited, my father having put his happy face on and my mother was carefully watching the windows for their arrival. There was a tension in the air, some probably from the fight but it was something else too. I didn't know what would happen. I didn't know how the weekend could go. What if she didn't like me? That made my spine stiff.

It shouldn't have been a big deal. It was just a babysitting gig. I had done it a few times already back in Charringfall. So what if she hated me? I doubt Harry would care. I mean what could be worse? He already watched me sleep and, according to Zayne, I was a terrible sleeper.

A familiar rumble shook me out of my thoughts. My mother, ever so covertly, peaked through the curtains to see a familiar navy blue Hellcat parked in front of our house though in the early evening it looked almost black.

Strangely, my body relaxed and my spirit deflated. It was obvious that his father had driven here. I was hoping to see Harry. We haven't spoken since it was decided I would look after his sister.

A knock rang through the house. Right on time, just like mother had said.

I heard my mother answering the door, it slightly out of view. "Evening-"

She paused. I didn't understand why until a voice greeted back. "Mrs Hadley."

My eyes widened. There is no way he showed up to my house. There was no way he was standing at my front door now. I know I wanted to see him but I thought it was one of those impossibilities. Clearly not.

I peaked over the stairway rail and there he was. It was the first time I'd seen him without a sweater or hoodie. He wore a white t-shirt on top of a grey sweatpants. His hair was a disarray, probably pushed back. But since my mother was only slightly taller than me, he towered over her in the door frame.

"I'm sorry." My mother finally shook the shock off. She clearly hadn't been expecting thee Harry Malakai. "Please, come in. Hello there."

He slowly stepped in followed by a girl half his size. I couldn't believe it. She was literally half his height which meant she was only a few inches shorter than me. Considering she was five years younger than me. Her hair was slighty darker than her brothers, tied into a low ponytail. She wore a jacket over some jeans and white hightops. Stylish, it suited her. She even had the same eyes as her brother's except they weren't fractured. They were ablaze though, drawing me in like an alluring mystery.

"This is my little sister, Emily, Mrs Hadley." He introduced them. Emily looked up and offered a small smile, one my mother returned. "And of course, I'm Harry."

"I thought your father would be here." My dad stated rather rudely. He was now grumbling in the living room.

Harry eyes trained on him, doing a quick take on my father. I held my breath. This was the last thing he had wanted and yet there he was staring him right in the face.

"My father had some other engagements. I hope my presence is... Enough." He said it differently, almost like he was daring my father to make a scene.

"Please, sit. I'm sure Alice can show Emily around while we talk." My mother kindly suggested.

He looked at his sister for some time, almost as if they were having a discussion. Then he nodded and moved to sit on the couch. My mother guided Emily towards my direction, leaving my father and Harry alone. Something I didn't see as a good idea.

The conversation.

The men sat on their couches, facing one another. One was aged, experienced and (inwardly) angry. The other the complete opposite, portraying nothing.

Grant's fears had come to fruition. Ever since he took this job, his one fear was that somehow his family would be affected by Ridgeway's crime. Yet he was urgently needed because of the man across from him. If he could even call him a man.

The boy had made Ridgeway a nationwide story for weeks already. People were taking notice of the towns terrible numbers and they needed him to reassure the country. Now the boy, who supposedly killed three men, was sitting in his home.

"It seems you do not like me, Mr Hadley." Harry stayed still, unlike his counterpart who leaned forwards wringing his wrists.

"Can you blame me? You, out of all people, should understand what I'm doing here." Grant fired back, the idea of the boy being so calm infuriating him even more.

Yet Harry did nothing. "Family. Well I understand that. You came all this way for me, yes?"

Grant wasn't surprised. He knew about his relationship with his employer, the chief. "Wherever you go, trouble follows you. Twice now my daughter has been put in danger because of you. I will not have it happen a third time."

"Look after my sister, Grant Hadley." Replied Harry, standing as if the discussion was over. "You'll have to find a different way to protect your family because you forget. This is my town. You're the new one here. Now, I'll be checking up on Emily and then leaving.

"See you Sunday, Mr Hadley."

So what did you think about the conversation? I feel like certain areas where Alice leaves and misses it, I should do something like this.

What about Grant? You think his doing the right thing by being hesitant around Harry?

More Emily to come <3

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