Day 16

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I had decided I should get someone's advice before the actual babysitting and the best person for that was Annabeth.

For the third time I wondered where Annabeth would stand. The first time was when I met her and I thought she was more to Harry. His girlfriend. But then it was revealed to me that they were just best friends. The second time I had thought it to be her meddling with Jace but, after what happened, I was quick to realize she needed someone to confide in just as much as I did. Now, there I was yet again, wondering if she'd be defensive and protective if I asked her about anything having to do with Harry.

Turns out I didn't have to find her at all.

I shouldered my bag and slammed my locker shut when a voice next to me said, "A little birdy told me we have a babysitter on our hands."

London smirked as she leaned against the lockers. I looked around to see everyone there but Bran.

It was unusual sight to not see him there. I'd gotten used to his constant flirts and jokes. He was the most common male member in our group, West coming close in second due to him wanting to be close to Annabeth. Strangely, Harry didn't really have a spot. Like everything to do with him, it had to be found once more.

"What are you talking about?" I questioned as I took in the others. Cass, Shana and Annabeth.

Shana rolled her eyes. Most of her curly black hair was pinned back but a few strands still swayed in her face.

"Our moms attended the meeting too." She explained, the others nodding in agreement. I felt kinda stupid, not considering the fact my mother said that too.

"So you're babysitting Harry's sister this weekend?" Annabeth asked almost to confirm. She too looked beautiful but I could tell she was channeling her motherly instinct.

"Friday night to Sunday morning." I confirmed, mentally squaring up even though she was a foot taller than me.

A moment or two passed. Then she nodded, effectively backing down. "You probably want to know about Emily, right?"

Emily? Nonetheless, I nodded. Give it to Annabeth to seek me out when I was looking for her.

"She's like him." Cass began, looking distantly as other students passed us, going about their day. "A lot. A mirror copy or was."

"What do you mean a mirror copy?" I wondered, having not really had much experience with Harry. I pictured a moody girl that came into her moods randomly.

Annabeth sighed as if remembering something unpleasant. "Before she was a ball of energy, loved reading. That's because Harry had this thing of buying books for them. Very smart too.

"My advice: just treat her normally and vaguely. She could be the same in which case it'll be easy to get along with her. Or she could be different. Totally different. In which case, Goodluck."

I nodded as I absorbed everything. All Annabeth had said was a part of an older Harry, one before me. Not to say he was different with me though I suppose you could say that. But I didn't make him change. Even though it was past, I believed some part of him did enjoy reading still. Maybe not a ball of energy anymore but still smart.

I was leaning towards Annabeth's piece of advice. Even though there was a chance that she didn't change, I was going to treat her like a normal person. As far as I know, she was a kid I had to look after. Harry or no Harry.

"Where is Harry, by the way?" I had thought there'd be a chance he would come see me too but no dice.

Everyone shrugged while Cass answered. "Heck if we know. Shouldn't you know?"

I looked at her. "Excuse me?"

Shana rolled her eyes. "Come on! We know there's something going on with you two. Right Annabeth?"

Annabeth, who was just watching, didn't respond. Instead she pushed herself off the lockers and shrugged as if to say 'I don't know'.

"If there is something going on then watch out for Jessica." She turned and walked off to her first class. Almost if on cue the bell rang.

The group started dispersing but I quickly grabbed Shana since we were going to the same class. "What did he mean? Who's Jessica?"

She looked at me, a second quizzical but then in sympathy. "His ex girlfriend."

I munched on my lunch slowly, sneaking glances at Jessica.

In English, Shana had told her that Jessica was a very sweet and genuine person. Not the cliché head of the food chain every movie says to be. Popular and nice. Apparently that's all the movies got wrong because she also happened to be spectacularly gorgeous. She had long platinum blonde hair and when she turned to talk to her friends, I caught sight of the miniature clear skies in her eyes.

Apparently she had pushed Harry too far. When I heard the story I understood why Harry reacted like that but I felt sorry for Jessica. It felt weird to admit that but she had just wanted to help him. Not all of us are good with human beings having spent majority of our time reading Harry Styles wattpad fanfic. So looking at the situation I felt that Harry had done wrong by her.

Wait... Harry styles wattpad fanfic and a boy named Harry?


That being said, I had no idea if she still liked him. Maybe she wasn't sure. With my luck she'd probably figure it out the minute something happens between Harry and I.

I was so deep in thought that I didn't realize she had caught me, looking directly at me. My face felt warm as I quickly drew my eyes to my food.

Harry slipped in his seat which was now, by default, the one next to mine. He had an habit of appearing out of nowhere so no one saw where he came. Which is ironic given the fact that people liked talking about him.

I looked up at him as he busied himself with his lunch. My eyes trailed the curves and angles of his face, his lips, his nose and eyes.

Do you have a cruel streak in you, Mr Malakai?

So I've got some news...

If you follow my Instagram (thethaledwattpader) you'd already know but I've decided (for those who don't really have the imagination to picture Alice) to cast Selena Gomez as Alice

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If you follow my Instagram (thethaledwattpader) you'd already know but I've decided (for those who don't really have the imagination to picture Alice) to cast Selena Gomez as Alice. She just fits the description I gave in this book and inspiration came from the song above.

Also, merry Christmas and happy new year. Sorry I'm a bit late but I hoped you enjoyed your days and weeks and I just wanted to say thank you for continuing to support me. Here's to many more books.

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