Chapter one - Moving Day

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Eden's POV:

The muffled sound of my alarm grows louder as I slowly start to wake up. I check the time on my phone after turning the wretched beeping sound off.


Today was officially the day I moved to California. Me mum and dad had to move because dad was transferred to work over there. I sat up from my mattress placed on the floor, all of the furniture in the house had already been shipped off so it would be ready for us once we landed and ready to start to move in. I stretch out my arms and back before falling back onto my mattress placing my arms across my chest so I was facing my bedroom ceiling.

Don't get me wrong, I was quite looking forward to a new start but at the same time I was terrified. I'm really quite shy and introverted, I only had two friends back at my old school. 17 years old and Ive always stuck to the simple life. I kept my head down in school and didn't have that much of a social life outside of a school environment, apart from occasionally meeting up with Poppy and Cissy. I did have a boyfriend, key word 'did'. Two years of a relationship completely down the drain, he cheated at a party with one of his exes. He was my first boyfriend, my first kiss, he even took my virginity. At the time I was more than happy to give it to him but looking back I probably should've been more careful.

"You awake love?"

Snapping me out of my thoughts my head turned to see my mum standing at my door.

"Yeah morning mum" I said with a soft smile.

"We're leaving in 30 minutes, is that okay?"

I nodded as she closed the door. I got up and washed my face with some warm water before brushing my hair out and throwing on some joggers and a hoodie. I mean it's not like some gorgeous boy would be on my flight at stupid o'clock in the morning, and if they were I can promise you they wouldn't be looking at me.

I packed everything I needed and the rest of the stuff I had in my carry on suitcase. As well as furniture all my clothes were shipped off too. We were giving our old mattresses to a charity shop so on the way to the airport we dropped off the mattresses at my grandparents house as well as our house keys.

"Call me every day okay?" My gran said cupping my face with tears brimming in her eyes. I place my hands over hers.

"I promise"

I said goodbye to my gran and grandad kissing them on the cheek before tiredly getting into the backseat. Making our way to the airport I leaned my head against the window and shut my eyes embracing the warmth of the car.

After arriving and checking in we were waiting at our gate when my dad spoke up.
" Tomorrow's Friday E, we arranged for you to look around your new high school so you know what to expect on Monday, alright?"

"Sounds great" i responded with a shy smile and pulled my sleeves of my hoodie down over my hands so I was fiddling with the hem. American high school was going to be so different from my school in England, I think dad could sense the apprehension on my face.

"Hey it's going to be okay, your going to be alright" he said placing a hand on mine.

"Flight number 8976 to California boarding now at Gate 15"

I picked up my bag and took my passport in my hand as I followed my parents to the flight attendant checking tickets. We found our seats on the plane and sat down, I rested my head on my chair and closed my eyes.

The flight was over as soon as it began, stepping onto the hot tarmac the heat of the California sun engulfed me. As myself and mum made our way to baggage claim dad went to pick up a hire car. Once we collected all of our cases we heaped into the car and made the long drive to what I'd now call home.

Getting out the car I took in my surroundings, a beautiful house with such a green front lawn. Making my way through the front door my parents were informed that the furniture had been placed into the rooms required. My mum told me as I go up the stairs my room is the first door to the left and so I make my way up to unpack everything. I gently placed my hand on the door knob and slowly turned it revealing a beautiful spacious room with stunning windows looking out to the front of our house. I even had my very own bathroom.

My bag slipped off my shoulder in a heap as I went to delicately place my fingers on the windowsill, the white walls reflected my shadow as the sun beamed down into my room. Starting to unpack, I decided where I think everything would look nice and placed everything intricately.

Stepping by my door I brushed my hands on my joggers as i looked around my new safe haven. I had a double bed with pristine white bedding and some teddies on the end of my bed. Of course. I had a bed side table with a light, a clock and candle placed on it. On the other side of my room I had a dressing table, I think Americans call it a vanity table but either way the stage bulb like lights around mirror lit up my now dim room. I think the sun set a while ago, I was too busy making everything as homey as possible to realise. My closet was placed in another corner of the room opposite my en-suite bathroom door. Proud of how I managed to accomplish everything I decided to have a shower and throw some pyjamas on before I made my way downstairs. Mum had sorted out my parents bedroom whilst dad sorted out the spare room and his new office. We were all going to sort out the kitchen and the living room after we came home from viewing my new school tomorrow.

"All done sweetheart?"

"Yeah, all done" I looked up from my phone to my parents who were sat around the table. I was trying to put in the WiFi password.

It's very much needed, may I add.

It was only around 6:00 at night but with the jet lag and the time difference I was absolutely exhausted.

"You should go get some sleep Eden, we leave to see your new school tomorrow at 8:00am okay?"

"Yeah okay dad, goodnight" I gave my dad a hug before saying goodnight to mum and giving her a hug too. " I love you" I said as I made my way upstairs.

"Love you too!" My parents both said at the same time.

I climbed into bed and relaxed as soon as I pulled my blanket over me. Shutting my eyes I was thinking about tomorrow. I had to make a good first impression, I was scared shitless but I really wanted make the most out of senior year, maybe even making a friend or two?.

My thoughts slowly evaporated as I fell into a deep slumber.


Authors note

Hi! I hope this chapter wasn't too bad, The next one will be more exciting I promise!
Maybe because Eden meets a certain someone?... hehe!

Please leave any feedback, it's all really appreciated

I'll try and update 2-3 times a week, maybe a Monday a Wednesday and a Friday? Let me know what you think!

G x

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