Chapter forty one - Three Words

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Theo's POV:

"Hey lover boy" Alex grins as he gets in the passenger seat of my car slamming the door after him.

"Watch my damn door" Rolling my eyes I playfully whacked his chest. "and shut up whilst your at it"

"Soooo, did you tell her?" He asks as I pull out from his driveway.

"I was about to, until her mom came home" I muttered clenching my jaw.

I really wanted to tell Eden I loved her.

"Why didn't you say anyway? Eden wouldn't of minded" He responded chomping on some Pringles.

It's seven in the morning.

"Do you ever not eat?" I quirked an eyebrow and tore my gaze away from him so I was focused on the road. "Actually no don't answer that, after all these years, the only time you don't eat is when your asleep"

"Food is fuel baby" He grinned smacking his stomach.

I ran my hand over my face before pulling into Hunters driveway to pick him up. I've been allocated designated driver today. That's because our Alexander over here crashed his car into a tree yesterday. Yes, a fucking tree.

Hunter got his keys taken off him after his parents found out that he spray painted a dick on our geography teachers car.

Very classy Hunter, very classy.

"Hey lover boy" Hunter sang as he slipped into the backseat of my car, slamming the door shut.

"What is it with people slamming my doors?" I whined before setting off again.

"Soooo, did you tell her?" Hunter mused from ruffling my hair as he leant forward to grab a piece of gum from my cup holder.

Groaning i huffed in frustration "Not this again"

Hunters eyes widened, "Does she not feel the same?"

What if Eden didn't feel the same?

What if she doesn't love me?

But before I could say anything Alexander told Hunter that I 'chickened out'

"I did not chicken out, I was interrupted" I responded harshly giving Alexander side eye.

He chuckled from beside me and patted my arm ."Yeah yeah, whatever"

"What if she doesn't feel the same?" I mumbled just loud enough for the others to hear.

Hunter eyes looked up at me from his phone and began smirking. "What?" I asked dumbfounded, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

"You are so fucking stupid" Alex laughed as he started rummaging through the glove compartment for any food.

Sighing i pointed at where I kept snacks, mainly for Eden but I can't be dealing with a Hangry Alex right now. "On the right hand side"

"AHA. Bingo!!" He cheered as he held up the packet of skittles in his hands with a great big smile on his face.

"Eden feels the same way. I promise you" Hunter said as he stuck out his hand for Alex to give him some skittles.

I placed out my hand and once Alex had given me some I put them in my mouth. "How do you know?" I asked in between chews looking at Hunter through the rear view mirror.

"Even a blind person could tell that she loves you" He rolled his eyes and leant back into his seat.

"Text her and ask if you can talk to her before home room." Alex suggested. "That's only if you won't chicken out this time" Grinning he pinched my cheeks.

Slapping his hand away I texted Eden once we reached a red light.

Morning beautiful, we need talk.

Almost instantly I got a response.

Edee <3
Is everything okay? Where do you want to talk? x

Meet me by your locker.

Shutting off my phone, I prayed that this morning there would be no interruptions.

If there will be, I might just loose my shit.

Pulling into school I said goodbye to Hunter and Alexander before walking to Eden's locker.

I saw her appear from the corner off the hallway after a couple minutes of waiting.

She looked so beautiful, So beautiful.

"Eden..." I gently pulled her closer and took a deep breath.

Her lip began to tremble and her eyes filled with little tears. "You're breaking up with me, aren't you?"

I chuckled and wiped her tears away with my thumbs "Baby no, I'm not breaking up with you"

"Then why did you say we needed to talk?" She mumbled looking away from me.

I gently tilted her chin so our eyes met and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

My cheeks began to feel hot and I scratched the back of my head "I wanted to talk to you because I have something important to say"

"Okay... what is it? You can tell me anything. You know that, right?" Her eyebrows furrowed and she began to play with the hem of my shirt.

I loved when she did that.

Sucking in another deep breath I liked into her eyes and hoped for the best.

"I love you, Eden"

Authors note

Playful chapter of our 3 favourite boys here!

Anddd.... the L bomb has been dropped everyone!!

How's your week going?

See you Friday! :)

G x

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