Chapter eleven - Improving

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Eden's POV:

"You should definitely do it! You're amazing" Eloise squealed looking at the video on my phone.

"You really should E" Amber smiled.

Back in England I was a dancer, I took it for my GCSE and I was going to take it for A LEVELS if I hadn't moved over to America.

"Hello ladies" Alexander smirked as he sat down next to Eloise. Followed by Hunter who sat next to Amber and Theodore who perched next to me.

"Hey beautiful" he muttered into Eloises ear.

"Hold the fuck up, is there something your not telling us" Amber spluttered out.

Eloise looked at Alexander and grinned.

"After the double date, Alex took me to a beautiful lake. He asked me out, officially" she said proudly forming a blush.

"And I'm so very glad I did" he grinned back at her.

"Yes. You finally stepped up from being a pussy" Theodore smirked before grinning over at Hunter who was doing the same.

Eloise went bright red.

It was lunchtime and we were sat outside on the school field. 

To cut the tension, Amber spoke up. "It's about time the team had a good dancer anyway E"

"You're a dancer?" "That's so cool!" Alexander shouted.

"Does that means you can do those spinny things" he clapped his hands together in excitement.

"Yeah?" I answered but it came out more like a question.

"She can do more than 'spinny things' Alex, here look at this video" Eloise took my phone to show him, followed by Hunter and Theodore.

"You're good I'll give you that" Theodore smirked.

I felt my face heat up so I quickly returned a smile and focused my gaze on the cheerleaders at the top of the field.

"So how did the tutoring go Taylor" Alexander asked with a face full of Pringles.

Does this boy always eat?

I don't get it, Hunter,Alexander and Theodore are all insanely muscly. Yet every time I see them, they're always eating. Where does it all go? Not fair.


Theodore glances at Alexander before looking at me.

"We have a quiz today in physics" Hunter added in.

"Are you serious" Theodore grumbled whilst running his hands over his face.

"Yeah it's on Equations" Alexander said, still eating Pringles.

"That's what we did last night, right?" Theodore questioned

"Mhm, you'll be fine" I tried to give him a reassuring smile.

I took out my water bottle from my bag and took a sip. I looked up to see everyone staring at me.

"What?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Say water" Hunter smirked.

"Water" I replied with a monotone voice.

Hunter giggled. He literally giggled. "Worter".

"Funny" I replied with a smirk and rolled my eyes.

The bell rang signalling the end of lunch, I sat up and grabbed my bag before brushing myself off.

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