Chapter forty - Promises

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Eden's POV:

Nobody was home like usual when I got back from school. Theo was meant to come over today to revise for our upcoming test but he said he had to do something beforehand.

I don't know what he had to do, but he's been quiet all day today.

I was in the living room watching a random programme that was on the TV when the front door opened and I quickly tore my gaze away from the television and turned around to see Theo. "hey babe"

I got up from the sofa and went up to hug him, I tightly wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head into his chest. "hey, everything okay?"

"Just fine Edee" he muttered into the crook of my neck.

I sensed something was wrong so I pulled away and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What's up? You've been funny all day"

He pulled me back into our hug and kissed my forehead before taking his jacket off. "Edee, there's something I want to give you but I don't know if it's too soon or anything"

"What is it?" I asked him as I walked up the stairs to my bedroom, reaching the top i swivelled around to take Theo's hand who was following closely behind me.

"If you don't want it or if you don't like it please say, I can take it back or exchange it" He took my hand and followed me into my bedroom before walking Infront of me and pulling me down to sit on his lap as he perched on my bed.

I furrowed my eyebrows and reached my hand to stroke his cheek. "Theo you don't have to get me anything you know that, but when you do you know I will love it because it's special as it's from you"

"I know Edee, I just really wanted to get you this" He admitted as he pulled out a small box from his Jean pocket.

"I know you might think this is really soon but you mean so much to me" He muttered before opening the lid.

"It's not a engagement ring or anything" He chuckled as he saw my eyes go wide. "Edee, will you take this promise ring?"

In the box was a beautiful ring with a small silver band, it had a diamond heart in the centre of the band and imprinted in the side was the initials "E+T"

"It's beautiful Theo" I whispered out as I carefully took the box out of his hand to inspect the ring more carefully.

"You like it?" He smiled as he brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"I love it Theo" I smiled as tears brimmed my eyes.

"Hey don't cry Edee, I didn't think it was that bad" He chuckled as he carefully wiped the tears out of my eyes.

"It's happy tears" I laughed as I pulled him in for a hug.

"You deserve the world and more baby" He muttered into my neck as he played with the back off my jumper.

"As do you sweetheart" I muttered back as I played with his hair and his scent engulfed my senses.

He started to leave little sweet kisses along my neck until he reached my collar bone.

He pulled away and looked into my eyes for what felt like eternity before leaning back in for more. His thumb was rubbing in circular motions on my hip as he pulled me closer.

Whimpering at his touch, i tugged his hair and buried my head into his neck.

"Edee" He groaned before pulling away, "if you do that, I won't be able to stop myself"

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and not so subtly peeled myself from his lap, "whys that a bad thing?"

"Your parents are going to be home soon, I don't think they'd appreciate me having sex with their daughter as they sit downstairs watching rupuals drag race or whatever" He grinned as he brushed some hair behind my ear.

"Rupauls drag race is great actually" I mused into a soft kiss I placed onto his lips.

"Mhm" he muttered back as he returned the kiss and pulled me back onto his lap.

"You drive me crazy. You know that right?" He panted as he pulled away.

I grinned as i placed my hands on his shoulders and began to massage them. "Good crazy or bad crazy?"

Sighing in content he leaned his head back relaxed his body "Good crazy, but sometimes you really piss me the fuck off"

"How! I'm nothing but nice to you" I giggled as I pretended to be hurt.

"I know I know" He exasperated as his lips formed a breathtaking smile.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a while. With Theo we didn't have to be constantly doing something to make me feel happy, just being with him was enough.

Breaking the silence Theo whispered out, "Eden, I really like you"

Blushing, I let a smile creep onto my face. "And I really like you Theo"

"Like I really, really like you baby" He grumbled, his voice was hoarse.

"I really, really, really like you" I grinned as a blush rose to his cheeks.

Theo took in a deep breath and gulped beofre continuing, "Eden i lo-"

"Honey we're home! Hi Theo sweetie!" Mum yelled from downstairs interrupting Theo abruptly.

What. Just. Happened.

Authors note

Awww, look at Theo being all romantic!

What are you doing to start your week?

Next chapter we will see a bit more of Alex, Hunter and Theo !!

See you Wednesday :)

G x

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