Chapter twenty nine - His Hoodie

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Eden's POV:

This Sunday went by like any other average Sunday. I finished up some school work and went on a run before getting my school bag and clothes ready for the start of a new week tomorrow.

I hopped in the shower after dinner and changed into some new fresh pyjamas. Getting them from my wardrobe I noticed Theo's jumper hanging up from last night, he kindly let me keep it on and wear it home after we left the beach together.

I know a lot of girls have probably worn this exact jumper but I still did feel really special, especially after that moment we had on the sand after everyone else left.

He was holding me in his arms for around an hour before we decided to go home and honestly it was one of the best hours of my life.

I felt so many emotions... I felt loved, I felt special, I felt warm and I felt wanted.

Wanted by Theo.

Smiling I reached out to take it of the hanger. I pulled it closely into my face and immediately his scent flowed into my senses. His jumper was one of the most comfortable things I have ever worn in my life.


I carefully folded it and put it into my school bag so I could give it back to Theo tomorrow and scrambled into bed.

The ringing of my alarm clock the next morning woke me up out of my slumber and dragging myself into my bathroom I washed my face and applied some makeup. I threw on a pleated skirt with a pristine white top and a off white beige jacket.

"Eden sweetheart" My mum exclaimed with a big smile when she saw me walk down the stairs into the kitchen

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"Eden sweetheart" My mum exclaimed with a big smile when she saw me walk down the stairs into the kitchen.

Softly smiling at her I pulled her in for a quick side hug. "Morning mum, did dad leave for the office early this morning?"

"Yes unfortunately, but he did tell me to give you a big hug from him" She grinned as she pulled me in for a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked sitting back down before filling her mouth with a spoonful of breakfast.

"I did, and you?" I asked back as I took out my lunchbox from the fridge to put in my bag.

"Yes thank you sweetheart" She smiled at me before grabbing her phone that was laid down Infront of her on the counter when a notification sounded from it.

"Oh Eden you'll have to tutor Theo at his house tonight, is that okay? I've just remembered we are having dinner with some neighbours and they want to come over and have it at our place"

"Oh we won't be noisy mum, you don't have to worry about that" I confessed shoving some banana into my mouth.

"It's not that sweetie, they have little kids and I don't want them disrupting you."

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