Chapter two - Eyes Meeting

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Eden's POV:

The sunlight kisses my skin as I slowly wake up to the sound of birds outside. Today was the day I was viewing my new high school.

Deep breaths Eden, deep breaths.

Checking my phone i realised I've completely forgotten to text my two best friends since I've arrived.

I muttered shit underneath my breath before I opened my phone to text them

I've landed and moved into the new house, I'll call you after I've been shown around my new school. Missing you heaps already x

Within a second cissy texts back,

About fucking time we were worried sick you dickhead! Call us then okay?
Oh and by the way all you have do to is open your mouth and boys will be swooning at your feet. Americans are suckers for a English accent ;)

I smiled to myself before turning my phone off and getting out of my warm and cosy bed. My breath was shaky as I got up and trudged my way to the bathroom. I got myself washed and refreshed before picking out an outfit. I went with a pair of mom jeans with a cropped top to compliment my features. As I was throwing on some white shoes there was a soft knock at the door.

"Morning sweetheart"

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"Morning sweetheart"

I looked up to find dad by the door with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Oh morning dad, did you sleep well?"

He gave me a nod as he checked the time on his watch. "We leave in fifteen, there's some tea downstairs if you want it". With that he closed the door and left me in my room alone again.

I brushed out the birds nest on my head and just left it down to rest on my shoulders, I applied some mascara and lightly filled in my eyebrows before spraying on my favourite ever perfume before snatching my phone off my bed side table and making my way downstairs.

"There you are, you look lovely Eden" my mum was sat on a chair around the kitchen table finishing off some posters to give to some new neighbours. Mums a fitness trainer and nutritionist, she had a couple clients back home however she didn't do her job for the money she did it because she really enjoyed working out.

Shocker right? Who the hell enjoys working out?

"Thanks mum" I planted a kiss on her cheek before taking a caramel iced coffee out of the fridge.

They are my absolute favourite things ever. They are literally heavenly. No more questions. Perfection.

Taking a sip from the bottle dad appears from the front door, "all set?"

I nodded slightly before I followed dad outside to the car, mum locked the door behind us before giving me a house key to keep hold off.

As I got in the car I noticed that there was some lady frantically rushing towards us.

"What the fu-"

Before mum could finish her sentence the lady was banging on the passenger side window, as mum rolled it down it revealed a old looking lady, she looked fragile and delicate.

"Oh hello you must be the Sumners! I'm Rose Parker, your new neighbour"

"Hi there Mrs. Parker" mum answered back with a smile. "We were just taking our daughter to look around her new school so we should get going, but you can come later for some dinner?"

"I work at a school! What school are you going too? And that would be just so lovely! I didn't catch your first names though"

"Eden tell Mrs. Parker what school you go too" Dad was looking at me through the rear view mirror.

My throat started to feel dry, clearing it I said. "Stobbery High school. Mrs.Parker" I gave her a smile before averting my gaze elsewhere.

"Well I say, I'm the librarian there! You need anything and you find me okay? The only day I don't work is Fridays, hence me being here. I promise I'm not bunking off" she said with a wink.

"Thank you Mrs.Parker that's wonderful, My name is Arabella, my husbands name is Oliver and that's my daughter Eden"

She gasped when she saw me. "Well aren't you just beautiful!"

Blushing at her compliment I looked down to fiddle with my fingers resting on my lap.

"We really must be off Mrs Parker" my dad spoke up from the drivers seat.

"of course absolutely but please call me Rose, I'll see you all later" Mum rolled up the window as she scurried off back to her house.

Driving to Stoberry High school, my nerves were really starting to kick in, I took a deep breath before shutting my eyes and resting my head on the head rest.


I woke up with a jolt to see we were parked outside a school building.

"We're here sweetheart"

I unbuckled my belt and followed my parents to reception. "You must be Eden, I'm Mrs keich, the receptionist" She offered me a smile before handing me a pack of things.

"In here is a map of the school, your timetable and some books and textbooks, anything else you let me know okay?"

"Thank you Mrs Keich" my mum said with a smile.

Mrs keich informed us that the principle would be showing us around but he had to sort something out first, in the meantime I was studying my timetable when I heard muffled voices.

"I was no more trouble from you Theodore, is that understood?"

I looked up to see a gorgeous boy Infront of me, he was tall, he had Ashy brown hair and green eyes. He was insanely muscular, like this boy had serious muscle. Wearing black jeans with a black top it enhanced them perfectly.

"Mr and Mrs sumners!" The principles voice snapped me out of my thoughts. He strode towards us before shaking my parents hands.
"And you're Eden, correct?"

I cleared my throat trying to be as confidential as possible "Yes sir"

"Well it's lovely to have you here, I'll be taking you around today, sound good?"

I nodded before looking back over at this Theodore, he was leaned up against the wall texting on his phone. That's when he looked up and our eyes met.

Authors note

Ahhh!! They've finally seen each other!

I hope this chapter was better than the last, always trying to improve!

The next one is going to be in Theodores POV, yay!!

See you Wednesday
G x

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