Chapter four - The New Girl

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Edens POV:

In the car on the way home from visiting Stobery high school, my emotions were all over the shop, nervous, apprehensive. I get anxious really easily over the slightest inconveniences. I get shaky and my palms go sweaty.

"Eden do you want to help unpack the kitchen or the living room?"

I tore my gaze away from the window and looked to see my dad looking at me through the wing mirror.

"Oh um I don't mind I'll do the living room" I said as I gave him a smile.

Once we got home I unpacked all the living room furniture with mums help, dad did the kitchen. It wasn't late when we finished, maybe around 4 o clock, mum asked me to go to the local supermarket to pick up the food shop. I reluctantly agreed on the terms that I could get to pick the film we were going to watch later.

I picked up the shopping list and walked to the shop, putting my headphones in i tried to make myself unnoticed from a group of teenagers across the street. I didn't do a very good job, one guy jogged across the street to stand in-front of me to stop me from being able to go anywhere.

"Hey pretty" he said with a smirk.

I lowered my head fiddling with my fingers "Oh.. um, i - "

"Nervous around me are you?" He said lifting my chin with a hint of the smell of alcohol escaping his mouth.

I held my breath at the smell, I tried to move out the way but he put his hand around my waist to stop me from moving.

"Get off her you asshole"

I whipped my head around to see two girls quickly walking over in my direction.

"Amber, Eloise" the guy scoffed rolling his eyes and slightly tugging his arm away to harshly.

I rubbed my side as the two girls clocked something.

"Oh my gosh, you're the new girl! We saw you being shown around today!" The girl with Blonde hair said.

"I fucking love your accent" The other girl mentioned.

"Oh hi and thank you" I offered a soft smile but she engulfed me in a hug. I tensed at first but I soon relaxed Into her embrace.

As she pulled away I mumbled out "you smell really nice"

Realising what I just said I physically and mentally face palmed myself.

"I'm so sorry that's so weird" I said with a nervous chuckle scratching my arm.

"Don't be silly! It's Hugo boss by the way" she beamed.

I nervously smiled and looked to the ground.

"I'm Amber and this is Elouise"

"So nice to meet you" Elouise said.

"Likewise" I offered back a grin.

"Do you have your timetable with you?" Amber spoke up breaking the comfortable silence.

"Um I took a picture of it on my phone, here" I handed Amber my phone as Elouise peaked over her shoulder to look at it.

"I don't believe it!" She squealed

"You're in all of our classes apart from physics!"

Relief washed over me as I knew I wouldn't be a complete loner anymore.

"I've put in our numbers in your phone. Let's get a selfie for the contact photo!" Amber grinned as she clicked on the camera icon on my phone.

"Oh um-" before I could speak another word Eloise and Amber went on either side of me with massive grins on their faces, I gave a small smile as Amber took the picture.

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