Chapter seventeen - Antiseptic

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Theo's POV:

As Eden pulled away from the hug I gently pulled her back in, craving more of her embrace.

"Let's go inside and get you cleaned up" She muffled wiping her nose with her sleeve.

She took my hand and led me inside.

"Sit" she instructed pointing to the bathroom counter.

"I will after you let me take care of you Edee"

"I'm fine Theo. Really" Her voice was raspy and  weak.

I tilted her chin to look at me, being careful so I didn't hurt her.

"You don't have to lie to me Eden, you're not okay. Look at what just happened" I said as my voice started to crack.

"Is it okay if I see where he hit you on your ribs?" I said as soothingly as possible.

She reluctantly nodded before taking off her shirt.

Her perfectly toned stomach complimented the rest of her body. It was my first time seeing her without a top on and I felt my throat dry up.

Eden was making me feel all sorts of things.

Now's not the time, Theo.

I knelt down so I was at the correct height to look at her torso area, I tore my gaze away from her petite figure to see a purple mark forming on the left hand side of her ribs.

"Does it hurt when I touch it Edee?"

I gently pressed my index finger and middle finger down on the bruise. She winced so I quickly pulled away.

"It doesn't look serious Edee. Your just going to have a great big bruise for a while"

"Take a shower and clean yourself up. I'll be in your room" I said stepping out of her en-suite.

I handed her a towel from the towel rack and some fresh pyjamas I found in one of her clothes drawers.

I heard her turn on the shower and the smell of vanilla instantly filled the room. I texted Hunter and Alexander to let them know me and Eden made it back to hers and that she was safe, I also messaged Eloise and Amber saying how Eden would probably text them in the morning.

I sat up from where I was sitting on the edge of her bed and went downstairs to lock the front door.

When I came back upstairs Eden was in her Pyjamas sat on her chair Infront of her desk.

"Owch" she winced as she tried to lift her arms to brush her hair.

"Here, let me do that" I hurried over and took the hairbrush from her hands, delicately brushing through her locks of hair i looked into her vanity mirror.

She was looking at me.

Her big hazel eyes fixated my every move.

Quickly diverting her gaze elsewhere i looked away and continued to smooth out her hair.

"All done" I said softly smiling giving her brush back to her.

"Thank you Theo" she whispered before standing up and taking my hands in hers.

"Can I help clean your knuckles?"

I nodded and followed her into the bathroom, sitting on the counter I was still taller than her.

She got out a first aid kit and took out some anti bacterial wipes and a tube of antiseptic cream.

"This might sting a little"

She gently placed my hand in hers and dabbed around my bruised and bloody knuckles.

Watching her with content, I noticed how careful she was being. She was using one hand to hold mine and the other to gently wipe away all of the dried up blood.

She was so focused on it, her gaze didn't leave my hands once. She didn't mutter a word, but it was a comfortable silence.

She threw away the wipe and unscrewed the cream before placing a bit on her finger and gently starting to rub it into the cuts on my hand.

She put the cream down beside me and took my hands in hers again, she gently rubbed the back of my hands with her thumbs and looked at me with a soft smile.

"All better" she whispered.

When she stared packing away the contents of the first aid kit I was getting ready to leave.

She stopped abruptly looking at me.

"You're not staying?"

She wanted me to stay?

"Do you want me to stay, Eden?" I said walking to her, I felt her breath hitch as I got closer.

She nodded with a small smile.

Whilst she put away the first aid kit back into the cupboard she got it from, I took off everything but my boxers.

Climbing into the right side of her bed, I watched her turn off her en-suite light before carefully shutting the door and getting into bed next to me.

She turned onto her side to look at me, mirroring how I was lying down.

We looked into eacothers eyes for a while before she broke the silence.

"I'm sorry, I should've listened to you. Thank you for being there though, If you weren't I don't know what he would've done"

"Edee, don't apologise. Please."

I flickered my eyes from her eyes to her lips.

"Don't think about what would've happened if I wasn't there, because I was and that's what matters okay?"

She smiled before pulling the covers up just high enough that they reached her chin, snuggling down into her pillow to get comfortable.

"Goodnight Theo" she mumbled softly shutting her pretty eyes.

"Goodnight Edee" I whispered tucking a piece of hair behind her ear for her before she drifted off to sleep.

I couldn't help but watch her for a while. She looked so peaceful. Her chest slowly rose and fell with her breathing and little muffled noises escaped her nose.

Smiling to myself. I nestled down into her covers that smelt just like Eden and shut my eyes.

She is far to pure to experience that.

No one should ever have to, but seeing Eden hurt really pulled at my heartstrings.

I won't let anyone hurt her again.


Authors note

Awhhh we have some bonding going on here!!

Next chapter will be in Theo's POV again. Yay!

See you Friday:)

G x

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