Chapter three - Just Us Three

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Theodores POV:

"That's utter bullshit and you know it, water isn't fucking wet"

I looked over to see my two best friends Hunter and Alexander arguing if water was wet or not. We'd been friends since the very first day of high school, it had always been just us three. We were popular but we kept our circle small, occasionally Hunter would bring his girlfriend Amber over with her best friend Eloise for lunch. They hang out all the time outside school when Hunter isn't with me and Alex.

Shes always studying in school, but when it comes to party's she's a complete nut job. They've been dating since sophomore, she's a nerd, he's a 'bad boy'. Looking at them you'd never pair them together, but they make each other happy and that's all I could ask for from them.

Even though he didn't want to admit it, Alexander so had the crushes for Eloise.

Eloise is sweet, she's not as academic as Amber, she's more artistic. She only really comes to party's because of Amber, once you get a drink down her pipe she's completely different. Once I had to prise her off a table with the promise of McDonald's to stop her from stripping. I still cringe at that thought. Gross.

"Theo , hello are you even listening??"

"What" I snapped turning my head to face Hunter.

"I heard a new girl was joining, apparently she's from England" Alexander said whilst he was checking out the cheerleaders on the other side of the playing field during their little practice session at lunch.

I leaned back against a tree and took a piece of grass and ripped it up between my fingers.

"I think she's being shown around today by the principle" Alexander chipped in.

"I saw this girl earlier, maybe it was her" I added in looking up to see Charlotte and her chipmunks walk towards us. Charlotte and her friends may aswell be a cult or some shit.

Charlotte was my ex, we had been together for just under a year during freshman year. I decided to cut things off because I wanted to play around a bit. I've slept with a fair few of girls but that's just because I'm not willing to settle down in a relationship at the moment. She hasn't left me alone since, she thinks me breaking up with her was just a little prank, it's actually quite frightening how possessive that girl can be.

It's not the best, I won't lie. Sleeping around with nearly every 'popular' girl wasn't exactly my plan for high school, but here we are.

"Here we go" Hunter muttered rolling his eyes.

"Hey Theo" Charlotte came and smirked sitting down next to me, pressing her nails into my biceps.

"Charlotte" I responded nodding and brushing her hand off me.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight" she whispered pushing herself into me so I could see her top that was showing her very revealing cleavage.

"Can't" was all I said before grabbing my bag and signalling for Hunter and Alexander to get up with me. Without a second thought they stood up and brushed themselves down.

"Oh come on Theo, you know you want to" Charlotte called out twirling her hair.

Me and Charlotte do occasionally still hookup.

"No, Charlotte. I'm going to Tyler's party, if I see you there then I'll see you, if I don't then just fuck off and leave me alone"

Charlotte scoffed as she waltzed past me, her chipmunks following behind.

"What's that girls problem?" Hunter sighed as he opened the door to our last lesson of the day, physics.

There she was, the girl that was taking to the principle earlier. She looked around and we locked eyes again before she turned back around to face Mrs. Westfield, covering her face with her hair.

"Ah boys! This is. Eden Hope Sumners. She's going to be joining us from Monday" she said beaming with a smile.

"Right Eden you best be off, your parents are probably waiting in reception for you, I'll see you on Monday okay?" Mrs. Westfield finally spoke up after she found some books to give to the new girl.

"Thank you" she said back with a small smile before keeping her head down waking past me, Hunter and Alexander.

"So that's the girl from England" Hunter said enthusiastically as he took his seat at the back of the class.

"She's cute, I'll give her that" Alexander smirked before taking out his notebook.

Alexander wasn't exactly wrong, she was cute but she wasn't my type.

Rolling my eyes with a smirk I chucked my backpack on the floor before sitting down in my seat.

"Right everyone we have a test on Monday, so you best get studying. It's all on pages 70-75 in your text books". Everyone groaned as they started to make notes for Monday's assessment.

"Theodore, a word?" Mrs. Westfield said from the front of the class. Sighing, i made my way up to her desk.

"Remember that girl you saw before class? Eden? Well she's excellent in physics, I was thinking that maybe she could tutor you twice a week? You really need to start putting in the effort Theodore" she offered me a pleading smile.

"No way, I don't need a tutor"  I snapped back.

"Theodore I'm doing this for you and your best interests"

"No" I drew out slowly looking into her grey eyes before barging my way to the back of the class.

"What did she want?" Hunter whispered as I sat down. Alexander kicked his feet up on the desk infromt of him and placed his hands behind his head. "Yeah, what did she want this time" He said raising his eyebrows.

"She wants little miss English to tutor me"

Alexander and Hunter broke out in hysterics clutching their stomachs.

"You-you-yo-" Alexander was trying to splutter out a sentence but he was too busy cackling.

"You need a tutor" Hunter finished his sentence snickering.

"What's so bad about having a tutor" I questioned raising my eyebrows.

"Nothing" Hunter responded " it's your ego"

"Whatever" I mumbled before picking up my bag and heading out the door when the bell rings out.

"Thank fuck for that" Alexander slid down the hand rails of the school front steps before getting into his car, Hunter got in the passenger seat and i scrambled into the back.

"So Theo, excited for your tutoring session on Monday?" Hunter said with a smirk tugging at the side of his lips.

Alexander sniggered beside him before they exchange a smirk.

"Shut up and drive" I mumbled out looking out the backseat window.

Authors note

I hope you enjoyed Theo's first POV!

Let me know what you think :)

See you Friday
G x

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