Chapter twelve - I'll Continue

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Theo's POV:

"I've been thinking, I'll do it, I'll continue with the tutoring if I'm gonna get good grades like this each test"

Eden looked shocked.

"Theo, it's okay. I know you don't want to" she quietly spoke out.

Eden was stood in her doorway, she looked so cosy in her pyjamas.

I couldn't help but smile.

"I do, Edee. Plus my mom loves you, you may as well just come over to see her" I said with a grin.

I notice her blush at the nickname.

"As long as you're happy, I am" she said with a small smile.

"Okay well I'll see you tomorrow, I was on the way home from Charlottes and I wanted to stop by and say thank you. Since you didn't answer my texts"

"I didn't think your mum wanted you to meet Charlotte?"

Her eyes widened immediately after she realised what she said.

She covered her cheeks with her hair. "Theo I'm so sorry that was not my place to say, sometimes I just blurt things out"

"It's alright Edee, it's a bad habit I need to get out of really, but anyway thank you again"
I said with a chuckle.

"It's fine, I'm glad I can maybe make it a little bit easier" She traced her arms with her hands
as a gust of wind gently blew into our direction.

"You should go inside, it's cold"

"Alright, drive safe Theo" she smiled at me before softly shutting the door.

As much as I didn't want to in the beginning, after one tutoring session Eden's already made it so much easier to understand.

I hopped in my car and turn on the engine, I noticed a scrunchie on the passenger seat.

I pick it up and the smell of vanilla instantly tells me it's Eden's. I hang it around the rear view mirror, it must've fell out her bag the other night.

Pulling out of the road, I think about what Eden said. She was right, mom didn't want me sleeping around and I know the reason why.

Dad cheated on mom, slept around with a bunch of women which resulted in him breaking her heart.

I promised mom I'd never be like him, but here I am.

Known as the 'player of the school'.

I don't know why I'm like the way I am, I think I do it as a form of belonging. You know, girls want to sleep with me because they find me attractive and I guess, that makes me feel good?

My relationship with Charlotte was toxic. I broke up with her because she was so controlling and manipulative, also because I wanted to be a bit more adventurous but she would never give me any freedom. She would always call me whenever I was out with the boys. It was like she didn't trust me. I'd never cheat and she knew that, not after what happened with my mother.

Eventually it all got too much and the emotional strain was overwhelming.

She didn't take the breakup well. At all.

She made rumours, she lied, she became even more manipulative and tried to turn every single person in out grade against me. Everyone found out what she was saying wasn't true and she got a lot of hate for it.

Yet I still hook up with her. It's not right I know, it's doing a lot damage.

Groaning I step out of the parked car now in the driveway of my house and push open the front door.

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