Chapter thirty one - The Question

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Eden's POV:

"You what now?" Eloise spluttered out.

If you haven't guessed by now, I've just told Eloise and Amber about last night.

I repeated myself for about the 5th time grinning, "We kissed"

Amber started frantically jumping up and down and clapping her hands. "Hunter owes me McDonald's"

"You put a bet on us kissing?" I laughed as I shut my locker and collecting my books in my arms  we made our way down to the lunch room.

"Um- yes. Hunter said Theo wouldn't have the balls" She snorted as she turned around from where she was walking Infront of us to face me and Eloise. "And Eloise owes me a McDonalds too"

"Wow, so has everyone put a bet on me and Theo?" I asked pretending to be fake hurt.

"Not everyone, Alexander didn't want to bet on anything because he didn't want to loose out on food" Eloise giggled from beside me.

"So how was it?" They both asked simultaneously.

"Amazing. Such a good kisser" I grinned walking through the cafeteria doors.

We sat down in our usual spot and the girls continued to ask questions such as where did he place his hands? did he smell nice? was it romantic?... and so on.

We noticed the boys coming our way and my face instantly heated up when I saw Theo in all his glory. He was wearing a pair of black jeans and a oversized crewneck jumper. Hot.

After we kissed we did do some work, although it was quite hard to concentrate when every 10 seconds Theo kept looking over at me and genuinely smiled, not smirked... smiled.

After we worked for a few hours he drove me home. When we got to my house he kissed my cheek and said goodbye after waking me to my front door.

"Ladies" Hunter grinned as he slipped into a seat next to Ambers.

Amber and Eloise both looked up and grinned at me

"What are you three planning?" Alexander asked as he took a piece of apple from Eloises lunch box.

Theo came and sat down next to me, his aftershave tantalisingly filled my senses as his arm dropped over the back of his chair and the tips of his fingers touched the edge of mine.

"You owe me a McDonald's" Amber grinned looking at Hunter.

Hunter looked confused and tried to form sentence. "What do you me-", before he could finish Alexander interrupted him.

"You kissed her!"'

All eyes diverted to Theo who was leaning back in his chair with his arms now crossed across his big muscular chest, smirking he responded with "Yes I did"

He looked at me and winked which caused me to blush a crimson red.

Hunter scrambled up from his seat and hugged Theo from behind as he teasingly ruffled his hair. Alexander was doing a happy dance in his chair, obviously.

Alexander calmed himself down and took out his water bottle. "I knew it would happen, sooner or later I just knew"

The rest of lunch went by really well, everyone was laughing and making jokes like usual.

Theo would occasionally subtly draw shapes on my back with the tips of his fingers which made my heart flutter immensely. He definitely knew this because when I turned to look at him he would smirk and bite his lip.

After lunch I had a study period in the library. I like the library here, it's warm and comforting. Plus it's handy having your neighbour as the librarian.

Everyone else had a lesson so I wasn't expecting to see anyone, that was until Theo came barging through the double wooden  doors.

"Come with me Edee" He softly smiled as he picked up the book I was reading and placed it into my bag.

"What? won't we get into trouble?" I asked starting to panic, I haven't missed one class since I've been here and I wasn't willing to get into trouble for it now.

"Edee, it's a study period. You could've left at the end of lunch" He smirked as he held out his hand for me to take.

"But don't you have a lesson?" I questioned taking his hand and following him out of the warmth of the library.

"It's spanish" he muttered, "not Interested" shrugging his shoulders he told me to follow him to his locker.

"Close your eyes" He laughed as he went to put in his combination.

"What?" I unsurely laughed back.

"Just close those pretty eyes" He smirked and feeling the blush rise to my cheeks I quickly covered my face with my hands.

I heard some rustling before the slamming noise of the metal door.

"Okay. Open"

"What is all this Theo?" I asked admiring the beautiful array of flowers that were tied up with ribbon in his hand.

"Edee, would you -"

His voice started to crack and he bowed his head down to cover up a blush that was forming on his face.

"Would you like to maybe be my girlfriend?"

My heart melted, this was actually happening. Theo Taylor was asking me to be his girlfriend.

The answer was an obvious yes but I decided to play with him a little bit first, grinning to myself I came up with an idea.

I dropped my head down and scuffed my shoes. "No, I'm really sorry Theo I can't"

He dropped his hand that was holding the flowers in disappointment and started to pick at the petals. "Oh right. Okay then"

I couldn't hold in my laughter any longer, "I'm joking, of course I'd love too" I said giggling and tucking my hair behind my ears.

A look of relief washed over Theo's face before he grinned and pulled me in by my waist. "Don't do that, I genuinely thought you didn't want too"

"I'm sorry but now we're equal." I grinned placing my arms loosely around his body.

"Shut up, that wasn't funny and I apologised." He deeply laughed as he brushed some of my hair out of my face.

He softly pecked my lips and rested his forehead on my shoulder.

"Thank you for giving me a chance" he whispered.

I smiled to myself as I gently played with Theo's hair. "Thank you for letting me"

Authors note

So much has happened in the last two chapters!

Cheeky Eden pretending to turn down Theo!..

What do we think?

See you Friday :)

G x

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